Social Economy


Carmela Nitti

Carmela has been Project Manager at ARCO since 2014, in 2020 she became Coordinator of the Social Economy Unit. She has managed several projects funded by the EU, the Italian Agency for International Cooperation (AICS), or by private organizations, both at national and international level.

She is a trainer on social business design and specialized in market analysis for social enterprises as well as in measurement of the social impact produced by organizations (ex. SROI methodology).

Other research interests include: wellbeing and quality of life, inclusive business, inclusive cities and social housing. She has a Master’sdegree in Development Economics and a Degree Specialization in multidimensional measurement of wellbeing.

Carmela is also Project Manager for the Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence.


Social Economy - Coordinator

Mail: carmela.nitti[at]

Linkedin: Carmela Nitti