Social Economy & Sustainability Management

Third sector, social businesses and social innovation


Third sector activities, cooperatives, social entrepreneurship, and social innovation are among the main issues affecting debates over public policy and economics across the globe.

In the field of social economy, we carry out research and consulting activities on a wide range of topics, including corporate sustainability, social and environmental accounting procedures, the role of non-profit and third sector actors, volunteering, social enterprises, and social innovation. We provide the following services:

  • Support to companies on how to design and implement their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies
  • Implementation of social accounting and sustainability procedures
  • Consultancy and research on third sector and non-profit organizations
  • Support for public policies on social entrepreneurship and social innovation
  • Training and consultancy on how to prepare a business plan for enterprises that address vital societal needs


Non financial reporting tools allow stakeholders to get a much wider picture of organizations than from the traditional financial reports. They inform on the environmental, economic, and social impacts generated by an organization or a company’s everyday activities, presents the organization’s values and governance model and demonstrates its sustainability strategy.

Non Financial

The social economy has assumed a prominent place in ARCO’s activities since its founding. Our headquarters at PIN (Polo Universitario Città di Prato) are now known as the Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence (YSBCUF). The YSBCUF is the first organization accredited by the Yunus Centre of Dhaka, which was founded by Nobel peace prize laureate Muhammad Yunus.

ARCO supports the Yunus Social Business Centre in the development and implementation of Social Business City Programs: long-term actions involving promoting and supporting social enterprises at the local level.

A selection of our projects on Social Economy & Sustainability Management

consulenza formazione ESG impatto valutazione eocnomia sociale rendicontazione non finanziaria

Training and capacity building on structuring the ESG strategy of Tuscan Cooperative Credit Banks

SROI bambini impattoc sociale TOrino social impact index

SROI Analysis for the association UGI -Unione Genitori Italiani contro il tumore dei bambini

bilancio sociale pubblica assistenza pisa economia sociale rendicontazione

BIlancio Sociale per la Pubblica Assistenza Società Riunite di Pisa

costruzione teoria del cambiamento consulenza percorso partecipativo analisi organizzativa

Consulenza organizzativa per la revisione strategica dell’organizzazione CISV

analisi organizzativa consulenza piano strutturale economia sociale

Analisi organizzativa e supporto all’elaborazione di un piano strategico per UGI

finanza banca etica consulenza organizzativa cultura cooperativa percorso partecipativo

Consulenza organizzativa su Cultura Cooperativa per Gruppo Banca Etica

percorso partecipativo consulenza organizzativa focu group Fondazione Caritas

Consulenza organizzativa e percorsi partecipativi per Fondazione Caritas

pro vives Senegal economia circolare solidale sociale social business task force

Supporting an enabling social enterprise ecosystem in Senegal

ecosistema facilitante per imprese sociali enabling ecosystem social business social economy economia sociale

Developing enabling social enterprise ecosystem in Azerbaijan

SPEED spezie spices seeds semienti semi nepal filieri imprese sociali business plan value chain catene di valore

Development of the spices and seeds value chains to foster youth and women empowerment in Nepal

MedRisse capitalization social and solidarity economy economia sociale e solidale imprese sociali sostenibilità sustainability

MedRISSE, social innovation and Social and Solidarity Economy policies in the Mediterranean

circular economy social business imprese sociali SIRCLES agricoltura biowaste management gestione dei rifiuti ambiente riciclo riuso

SIRCLES, fostering inclusive employment opportunities in the Circular Economy sector

Peace steps enabling ecosystems for social enterprises palestina ecosistema favorevoli per imprese sociali palestina

Peace Steps in Palestine : mid-term evaluation & Support to the creation of an Ethical Charter

ecosistema ecosystem social business socila enterprise imprese sociali senegal filiera agricola agro-industrial supply chain

Creating social business to develop the agro-industrial supply chain in Senegal

med Up imprese sociali social enterprises enabling ecosystems ecossitemi facilitanti

Mid-term Evaluation of the project to foster enabling ecosystems for social enterprises in the MENA Region

analisi SROI analysis index indice cooperative terzo settore COOb inserimento lavorativo job placement

SROI analysis for the Consortium COOB in Tuscany

social impact assessment valutazione di impatto sociale unicoop firenze nesuno indietro covid coronavirus pandemia volotnariato terzo settore

Social Impact Assessment of Nessuno Indietro, the project that supports Third Sector bodies amid pandemic in Tuscany

bilancio sociale opera santa rita di Prato

Social Report for the year 2018 of the Fondazione Opera Santa Rita

valutazione impatto sociale Kyrgyzstan Bishkeke SOSO Children's Villages International M&E Valutazione di impatto impaact evaluation

Social Impact Assessment of children’s protection programmes in Kyrgyzstan

misurazione dell'indice SROI di Albergo Etico ad Asti valutazione dell'impatto sociale Cooperativa Download SROI index analysis economia sociale social economy

SROI Analysis, Albergo Etico social performance

inclusive business

Promoting inclusive business and social entrepreneurship in Palestine

pistoia social business city social economy economia sociale

Promoting social business at the local level: Pistoia Social Business City

Analisi SROI Fondazione Ronald McDonald

SROI analysis of Ronald McDonald Houses

Social Business Analisi di mercato imprese sociali local devlopment social economy economia sociale sviluppo locale

Market analysis of social businesses in Mozambique and Tanzania

Efeseiis social entrepreneurship imprese sociali europa social economy economia sociale

The European research project to develop social entrepreneurship and social enterprises