EHD methodology
The EHD methodology goes beyond the traditional evaluations, which are focused on monodimensional outcomes. Based on the Capability Approach developed by Amartya Sen, EHD uses a tailored multidimensional set of indicators within a Sustainable Human Development paradigm. It also adopts a people-centred approach that allows to delivers evidence-based results in a short time at a competive cost.
Capabilities can be conceived as those opportunities that people have reason to value, according to their own aspirations and values depending on the society and local context they live in. M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit‘s evaluations are conducted by building on the analysis of existing information and data, and by drawing on the collection of qualitative and quantitative data. Different participatory or statistical tools and methods are applied according to the project’s and evaluation’s goals and objectives. In addition, mixed methods can be combined.
Why is it important to evalute the impact on human development?
Evaluating the results and the impacts of the activities is fundamental to enhance their quality and effectiveness. The evaluations provide useful information on the social value created by these activities and help organizations in their learning and planning process. External and independent evaluations are one of the best ways to ensure accountability to partners, donors, and stakeholders of the project or program, to ensure the correct use of resources, and assess if the project achieved the expected results. We think that accountability should not be limited to the transparent use of projects’ or programs’ resources or to the evaluation of a few selected indicators of result. For this the reason, ARCO promote evaluations that take into account the multiple dimensions of the Human Development.
Read more on our M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit