Thursday March 1st, 2018 admin

Evaluating the UNDP Global Project ART Initiative

UNDP ART valutazione evaluation localizing SDG localizzazione SDG

What is the UNDP ART initiative?

The UNDP Global Project UNDP  “ART – Territorial partnerships for implementing the SDGs at local level” (UNDP ART Initiative) aims at empowering integrated local development systems towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda from a Sustainable Human Development (SHD) perspective.

The evaluation

We have recently performed the evaluation of the UNDP ART Initiative.  The evaluation was carried out by Prof. Mario Biggeri and Andrea Ferrannini, with the support of ARCO, and it assessed to what extent the UNDP Art Initiative contributes to UNDP’s effort in promoting Local Governance & Local Development (LGLD), to the Localization of the SDGs and to make UNDP’s responses coherent and coordinated across sectors and levels.

The overall objective of the evaluation was to provide a transversal assessment of the UNDP ART initiative in relation to its different streams of work, thereby providing strategic orientation to enhance its integration within the UNDP corporate framework and mandate for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The evaluation covered the years 2015-2017 and was performed between August 2017 and January 2018 and was characterized by a multi-stakeholder and participatory consultative process and by a multi-dimensional approach.

The evaluation in numbers

    • > 120 people from 85 different organizations were consulted. This number includes: UNDP / UN staff, representatives of supranational and regional organizations / networks, bilateral or territorial cooperation partners, research institutions and academia, and partner organizations in UNDP country programmes, as well as insider informants and current team members of the UNDP ART Initiative.
    • > 6 countries were examined as case studies: Cabo Verde, Bolivia, Mauritania, Algeria, Cuba, Uruguay.
    • > 2 countries were visited: Cabo Verde (October 2017), Bolivia (November 2017).
    • > 4 evaluation dimensions were taken into account :1. Influence on the global policy dialogue; 2. Networking and partnership-building mechanisms; 3. Support to LGLD UNDP country programmes; 4.Mainstreaming with UNDP
    • > 5 main evaluation methods were used: Desk Research and Content Analysis; Key Informants Interview; Social Network Analysis; Country Studies; Structured Focus Group Discussion.

SDGs localization to design the sustainable development strategy for Regione Toscana

Local Lab: Technical assistance and technical support to localize the 2030 Agenda fo Sustainable Development