Reorganisation of agricultural cooperatives and optimisation of laboratory procedures for agricultural products in Lebanon

Location Beqa’a Valley, Lebanon

Duration 2019 – 2021

Partner Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II (John Paul II Foundation)

Framework Improving product quality, managerial and commercial innovation of small producers of apricots in Lebanon, as a driver for environmentally sustainable and inclusive rural economic development – AID  11427/FGPII/LBN

Funding The project was funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)/Ministry of Foreign Affairs



The Beqa’a Valley, with an altitude of 1000 m above sea level, has a climate that is particularly suitable for growing large varieties of grapes, fruit and vegetables. However, the system of agricultural cooperatives in the country has many fragilities. The serious economic crisis that the country is facing and the consequences of the COVD-19 pandemic have emphasised even more these fragilities. Thus, an intervention to strengthen the tools for analysing and controlling the agri-food supply chains in the Beqa’a Valley is necessary .

The intervention aims to improve the quality and sustainability of the organisational and strategic management of rural enterprises and cooperatives that produce and market apricots and other agricultural products in the Valley. Furthermore, the project intends to provide support to the laboratories that analyse and certify agricultural products in the definition of standardised procedures that are valid for international markets.



Supporting small-scale apricot producers for:

  • Management and control of agri-food supply chains
  • Quality enhacement: sustainable and certified productions
  • Distribution: access to new markets


Our contribution

ARCO’s activities under the project include:

  • Collaboration with the Department of the General Directorate of Cooperatives (at Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture) to rethink and improve the way a cooperative is established.


  • Support to Kfarchima Phytopharmacy laboratory of the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture for the definition and implementation of new analytical and management procedures to optimise the laboratory practices.


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