Studies and research for the eco-sustainable recovery, renovation and functionalization of the Villa Mondeggi Estate

Title Studies and research for the eco-sustainable recovery, renovation and functionalization of the Villa Mondeggi Estate

Location Metropolitan City of Florence

Duration January – December  2022

Partners Department of Architecture (DIDA) and Department of Economics and Management (DISEI) of the Universtity of Florence

Framework  Piani Integrati – M5C2 – Investimento 2.2» – Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza

Funding Metropolitan City of Florence



innovazione sociale economia sociale e solidale

Decree-Law No. 152, Art. 21, Nov. 6, 2021, coordinated with Conversion Law No. 233, Dec. 29, 2021, allocates resources to Metropolitan Cities for investments aimed at fostering better social inclusion in urban or sub-urban areas that are in particular situation of social degradation. The socio-economic regeneration and revitalization interventions focus on the creation of new services and the upgrading of accessibility and infrastructure.

Based on the implementation of the project line “Integrated Plans – M5C2 – Investment 2.2” under the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP), in 2022 the Metropolitan City of Florence decided to invest part of the allocated resources on the regeneration of the Public Estate of Mondeggi. The Mondeggi Public Estateconsists of the manor house, large garden and outbuildings, and nearly 170 hectares of land divided into six agricultural estates with associated rural houses.

analisi territoriale Mondeggi territorial analysis

The project to regenerate the Villa Mondeggi Estate was developed through a Research Agreement between the Metropolitan City of Florence, Department of Architecture (DIDA) and Department of Science for Economics and Enterprise (DISEI) of the University of Florence. The Local Development Unit supported DISEI throughout the research activities for the territorial analysisand in the preparation of the final report.
General Objective

Thanks to the resources made allocated by the NRRP, the Villa Mondeggi Estate is expected to become a new generation shared platform of innovation and social inclusion. The goal is to multiply the social and economic opportunities of the people who inhabit and will inhabit the metropolitan area, with a special focus on young people, while respecting the environmental ecosystem and natural resources.

The Local Development Unit in the context of the research project supported DIDA and DISEI of the University of Florence in developing the territorial analysis. The purpose of the territorial analysis was to guide the actual regeneration phase and contribute to the enhancement of the Mondeggi Public Estate.


Our contributon

The territorial analysis, focused on the enhancement of the Villa Mondeggi Estate, consisted of several participatory activities with local stakeholders, including: representatives of institutions, experts, Third Sector organizations, businesses, citizens’ collectives combined with a desk analysis of project documents.

Through the analysis of the socio-economic context, ARCO helped identify the specific objectives and project lines that will guide the regeneration path.

The result of the work carried out as part of the Villa di Mondeggi estate regeneration project can be found in the book:

De Luca, G., Biggeri, M., Pisano, C. and Ferrannini, A. (2023). Mondeggi: Social, Cultural and Agricultural Regeneration for a Sustainable Metropolitan City – General Scientific Report for the Metropolitan City of Florence.

analisi territoriale sviluppo locale umano sostenibilitàTerritorial analysis: planning human sustainable development

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