Monday November 30th, 2020 admin

Monitoring and evaluation: with our partners in fighting educational poverty

bando prima infanzia di con i bambini monitoraggio e valutazione, valutazioni di impatto

Three proposals, one common goal: fighting educational poverty. 80 projects targeting children aged 0-6 and their families have been funded by the social enterprise “Con I Bambini”, that is in charge of allocating the resourcse of a governmental fund established to contrast educational poverty.
We are in charge of the monitoring and evaluation process of three of these projects. The projects adopt different approaches but share a common goal: promoting the family and community well-being and growth.

> “Ali per il futuro” (project leader: “Società Dolce”) aims at the co-creation of a project tailored on the needs of the children and the families at risk of marginalization. 80 families will be taken in charge by a case manager for two years. A package of services based on their needs will be offered to the beneficiaries. Services include: educational services, mediation services and a job counselling service for one parent.  << GO to the website >>>

> “Bambini dalla periferia al centro” (project leader: “Consorzio Con.Opera”) involves 70 schools in 20 cities and develops activities to help parents keep a good family – work balance and to improve educational services. Besides cultural and fun activities, the project promotes research activities on pedagogy and education and support services for parents.
> “Infanzia in Gioco” (project leader: “Humanamente”) develops activities and creates opportunities to help the parents spend quality time with their children. It also organizes trainings for teachers and educators and tries to connect together all the organizations that deal with children education in Trapani (Sicily).

bando prima infanzia con i bambini