specialist posizione aperta vacancy job opportunity social economy gestione della sostenibilità sustainability management
Friday September 6th, 2024 ARCO

Social Economy & Sustainability Management Specialist: posizione aperta!

ARCO è alla ricerca di un/una Social Economy & Sustainability Management Specialist da inserire nel gruppo per lavorare sia sui suoi progetti in Italia che all’estero, con il giusto mix di competenze ed esperienze per contribuire allo sviluppo dell’Unità di Economia Sociale e Gestione della Sostenibilità. ARCO propone un contratto cococo o P. IVA con […]

monitoring & evaluation specialist posizione aperta job description cv curriculum lavoro
Thursday September 5th, 2024 ARCO

Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist: posizione aperta!

ARCO è alla ricerca di un/una Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist da inserire nel gruppo per lavorare sia sui suoi progetti in Italia che all’estero, con il giusto mix di competenze ed esperienze per contribuire allo sviluppo dell’Unità di M&E e Valutazione di Impatto. L’Unità di M&E e Valutazione d’Impatto è composta da un gruppo di […]

Posizione aperat vacancy sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development
Monday July 29th, 2024 ARCO

Inclusive Development Specialist: a new vacancy!

ARCO è alla ricerca di una persona da inserire nel gruppo per lavorare sia sui suoi progetti in Italia che all’estero, con il giusto mix di competenze ed esperienze per contribuire allo sviluppo dell’Unità di Sviluppo Inclusivo. L’Unità di Sviluppo Inclusivo è composta da un team di ricerca che combina la conoscenza pratica di metodologie […]

care leavers leaving care agency participation partecipazione empowerment tutela decisioni CarINg
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 ARCO

Agency, participation in decision making and wellbeing among care leavers

Promoting agency in care leavers entails giving them the ability to make their own decisions, take control of their lives, and advocate for their own needs and desires. In the article “Agency, participation in decision making and wellbeing among care leavers in care system: A quantitative mediation study” (Children and Youth Services Review, 2024) Researchers [...]

cambiamento sociale social change giochi games gamification ricerca comportamentale behavioural insights
Friday June 21st, 2024 ARCO

Games for social change

To foster social change, it is first necessary to imagine new solutions and understand their consequences within a social context.  Traditional methods of generating social change often rely on poorly explained or superficial regulatory interventions, which can lead to resistance to novelty. On the other hand, behavioral research, seeks to trigger a change by enhancing [...]

circular city boardgame gioco economia circolare economy circular innovation
Thursday June 20th, 2024 ARCO

Circular City- the boardgame, the first board game focusing on the circular economy

The circular economy comes into play: "Circular City - the board game" conceived and developed by the Municipality of Prato, the Municipality of Taichung (Taiwan), and ARCO's Circular Innovation & Sustainable Commodities is the first game in which participants aim to adopt circular economy practices at the local level. The idea for the game came [...]

social board emancipatory reserch ricerca emancipatoria user centered practice pratica con gli utenti
Friday June 14th, 2024 ARCO

The potential of emancipatory research in user-centered practice

Involving the community in participatory processes is a key component in promoting social innovation functional to the transformation of local welfare. The Inclusive Development Unit carried out an Emancipatory Research with users benefiting from the Inclusion Income (Reddito di Inclusione REI) provided by the social services of the Prato Area to evaluate the impact of [...]

e se fossi sindaco politica locale what if i was mayor agenda 2030 SDG sostenibilità sviluppo locale
Friday May 24th, 2024 ARCO

What if I were mayor? Young people in the game to shape the local policies of the future

Sustainable development, gender equality, LGBTQIA+ rights, workers’ defence, all challenges at the centre of the role-playing game “What if I were Mayor?” created to bring young people closer to local political decision-making processes. The game was developed by the Local Development Unit in the context of the project ‘Local authorities and young people for the […]