empowerment economico donne ricerca approfondimento centro italia violenza di genere
Monday June 6th, 2022 ARCO

Promoting the economic empowerment of women, an in-depth study

The empowerment process enables women to deal with violence, in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological, economic. The analysis of the case study provided by the project Do.N.N.E (Do Not Neglect Equality) - which intervenes in communities in Central Italy affected by the violent earthquakes of 2016 and 2018 and whose evaluation was carried out [...]

european social rights indicator diritti sociali citizenship cittadinanza sociale ricerca research indicator indicatore
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 ARCO

ESRI European Social Rights Indicator a composite indicator to monitor social rights across Europe

The European Social Rights Indictor, ESRI, has been developed by ARCO researchers in the framework of the the Horizon 2020 project EUROSHIP - Closing gaps in social citizenship.  The elaboration of the ESRI is part of a wider stream of work on social indicators based on the cooperation between TARKI Social Research Institute and the [...]

grano duro valutazione di impatto durum wheat food security sicurezza alimentare impact evaluation
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 ARCO

Analysis of the impact of a multi-component project on food security and SDG-related outcomes

Improving the living conditions of smallholder farmers is key for the achievement of most Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and specifically for the achievement of SDG1-No poverty and SDG2-Zero hunger. Although modernizing agriculture and promoting rural development is not a sufficient condition for eradicating poverty (SDG1) and achieving food security (SDG2), it is an important ‘‘policy [...]

coltiva la tua impresa sociale imprenditori sociali Pistoia accompagnamento lezioni
Thursday March 10th, 2022 ARCO

Scopri il bando “Coltiva la tua impresa!” per imprenditori sociali a Pistoia

Il bando "Coltiva la tua impresa!" sostiene la nascita e la diffusione di imprese sociali a Pistoia e nella provincia di Pistoia attraverso un percorso di accompagnamento rivolto ad aspiranti imprenditori sociali o gruppi che intendono avviare o che stanno avviando un'attività di impresa sociale. I progetti presentati che risulteranno più meritevoli potranno accedere alla [...]

disabilità disabilities employment occupabilità impiego lavoro Toscana ICS functonnings
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 ARCO

Vinil: employability assessment and job placement for persons with disabilities in Tuscany

The VINIL form, Valutazione INtegrata per l'Inclusione Lavorativa, has been developed by the Inclusive Development Unit to elaborate a specific profiles of persons with disabilities in order to foster and strengthen their inclusion on the job market. The form focuses on the assessment of the person's employability in different contexts and projects. It is a [...]

SPES Sustainability Performances Evidences and Scenarios sviluppo umano sostenibility transistion europe project
Wednesday May 31st, 2023 ARCO

SPES Sustainability Performances Evidences and Scenarios

How can productivity, equality, sustainability, and participation be reconciled in an integrated framework to help drive the transition towards sustainable human development in Europe? SPES-Sustainability Performances Evidences & Scenarios is a European project, financed under the Horizon 2030 Research and Innovation Programme, that aims at better understanding the interconnections between economic growth, human flourishing, and [...]