Social enterprises can play a relevant role in local and human development. However, in some countries public institutions and local stakeholders still have some difficulties in understanding the benefits of developing enabling ecosystems for social enterprises. Consequently, research and academic institutions in such countries are tasked with a significant role in the initial development of [...]
Il bando "Coltiva la tua impresa!" sostiene la nascita e la diffusione di imprese sociali nel territorio pistoiese attraverso un percorso di accompagnamento rivolto ad aspiranti imprenditrici e imprenditori sociali o gruppi che intendono avviare o che stanno avviando un'attività di impresa sociale. Il percorso di accompagnamento è articolato in 10 incontri su 5 mesi [...]
Produce a new comparative, gender sensitive and integrated framework for the measurement of the returns of investments in social services, this is the main objective of the project SWINS- Sustainable Well-being through Investment in Social Services. The overarching architecture of the project is aimed at producing new knowledge on how the returns of complementary different [...]
Benché nell’ultimo decennio il divario di genere nel mondo del lavoro si sia ridotto in Toscana, persiste una disparità fortemente legata alle responsabilità di cura e grava prevalentemente sulla componente femminile. La Regione Toscana mette a disposizione dei datori di lavoro delle risorse per promuovere l’adozione di modalità di lavoro flessibili e piani di welfare [...]
Sustainability, inclusion, and well-being are increasingly essential in today's market, as organisations, companies and institutions need to focus on their internal and external dynamics and the impact they generate. Achieving business objectives no longer depends only on leveraging the best technical expertise but also on adopting the right combination of training and growth opportunities for [...]
The Outcome Harvesting is an effective methodology to evaluate development projects that seek to cultivate and advance social enterprises within intricate and multifaceted contexts. Amidst the ever-evolving socio-economic, political, and cultural dynamics characterizing complex environments, traditional evaluation approaches often fall short in capturing the nuanced outcomes of such projects. In the paper titled “Using Outcome [...]
External evaluation of development projects and programmes is increasingly required in calls for proposals by public and private, Italian and European, funding bodies. An evaluation study prepared by an external organization provides a more objective view of the degree of achievement of planned objectives and results. However, benefits of external evaluation are maximised when NGOs [...]
The impact on communities and territories generated by companies is increasingly in the spotlight due to a growing demand for transparency on non-financial information. The value of a company is now determined not only by its economic performance but also by its environmental and social impacts. In this sense, sustainability reporting offers an opportunity to [...]