CarINg - Empowering child care systems and supporting leaving care from within - is an action-research project whose protagonists are boys and girls living outside their family of origin. The project aims to support boys and girls leaving the care system - care leavers - in building a life project and gaining autonomy. The activities [...]
ARCO Research Center is personally committed in spreading the culture of evaluation. The reason is simple: external evaluation is the only way to understand which interventions really work and why! I have learned that success depends on knowing what works Bill Gates Based on the results of an external evaluation, organizations can focus their efforts […]
This list is the result of a research, carried out by ARCO's Social Economy Unit about the top 100 largest philanthropic foundations in the world by total assets; it is based on up to date financial data concerning the period 2016-2018. The sources mostly used, are the financial statements published by the foundations and the [...]
A gender audit informs companies on how to reduce the gender gap. Gender auditing in generale promotes women’s participation in the labour market and opportunities for economic growth. Fostering gender audits help in strengthening women’s empowerment as a collective process, acting on the whole system of relations in which women are embedded: family, community, business, [...]
The overall objective of MERGE is to bring together researchers, policymakers, statistical authorities, and civil society actors to improve the usefulness and accessibility of policy frameworks and indicators on multidimensional well-being and strengthen the transition towards economic policies that support sustainable development. MERGE is about building a better economy for everyone. MERGE addresses the opportunities [...]
Voluntary Local Reviews can be considered a process to accelerate SDG localization, leading to the “construction of collective knowledge” through the lens of the SDGs. Even though a common, harmonized definition of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) does not exist, VLRs are strategic documents allowing local and regional governments to share local priorities, challenges and aspirations […]
In Low- and Middle-Income Countries, direct payments often dominate health care financing and represent a serious obstacle to the achievement of Universal Health Coverage. Out-of-pocket expenditures tend to exacerbate the severity of poverty mainly among the populations who lack adequate financial protection. The article “Estimating causal effects of community health financing via principal stratification” written [...]
Changing the mindset from research "about" children to research "with" children For a long time, research on childhood has neglected the direct perspective of children, treating them primarily as objects of study rather than active subjects endowed with agency. Yet, implementing policies aimed at improving children's living conditions without listening to their needs, the way [...]