For the 75th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly, the third U20 in Riyadh and on the eve of the Decade for Action, the ten years that separate us from the goal of the 2030 Agenda, we are facing numerous challenges, but also numerous opportunities. The Covid 19 emergency had serious consequences from an [...]
Research and Innovation policy plays a pivotal role for the pursuit of and the transition towards sustainable development in economic, social and environmental terms.Within the global debate on sustainable development, a new framing on R&I for transformative change has been gaining momentum. To understand to what extent and how R&I policy in the post- COVID [...]
On September 24th Mario Biggeri, Scientific Director of ARCO, participated as a panelist to the open session “Towards a Champions League for Transition to Sustainability” organized by the DG for Research & Innovation of the European Commission for the 2020 European Research and Innovation Days. In 2019, R&I Days session on “Re-defining prosperity’’ took stock [...]
Prato Circular City wants to contribute to the transition towards the city's Circular Economy. Within the urban system, that is the interconnection of the inhabited area, the commercial and industrial area, the agricultural area, policies can be implemented and experiments can be initiated that facilitate the transition from linear to circular activities and behaviors. The [...]
The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives and livelihoods across the world and disrupted the ways in which we experience our capabilities everyday. In these times of the pandemic, researchers and practitioners who are using participatory approaches, have had serious implications for the quality and the validity of the participatory inquiries and outcomes of our [...]
European social citizenship means creating a feeling that people, especially groups at risk of maginalisation and social exclusion, have something to gain from being members of the EU. Strengthening social citizenship is the central aims of EUROSHIP a three-years project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and implemented by a [...]
Circular transition at urban level Cities are the main drivers of economic development and the production districts introduce a bio-uniqueness principle among the urban and industrial dimension at a territorial level. The circular economy offers great opportunities for innovation and sustainability of cities and their production systems. Allowing companies to identify and exploit these opportunities [...]
Negli ultimi anni il sistema economico mondiale ha accolto i ricchi ma ha respinto i poveri. Questo periodo così particolare presenta una sfida: trasformare il modello di sviluppo insostenibile per restituire un mondo migliore, in termini economici e ambientali, alle prossime generazioni. Da queste considerazioni prende le mosse la lezione “Sempre più ricchi, sempre più [...]