The recent Third Sector Reform in Italy focuses more on accountability and transparency of Third Sector organizations and social businesses. However, due to their intrinsic diversity both locally and nationally, it is difficult to identify a univocal model capable of reporting the responsibilities and social impact of all Third Sector entities. The Social Economy Unit [...]
The study The Resilience of Bergamot Farmers in the Reggio Calabria Province of Southern Italy was carried out to evaluate the contribution of the reorganization of the Bergamot supply chain to the socio-economic resilience of the families involved in the production. This research is the result of a resilience assessment of bergamot farmers in Calabria [...]
ARCO’s experts in Monitoring and Evaluation will teach Monitoring and Evaluation in the three days training at the University of Bethlehem. To deepen and learn all the secrets of monitoring and evaluation, the Palestinian Pubic Finance Institute, the University of Bethlehem and VIS – International Volunteering for Development promote a formation for employees of Palestinian […]
ARCO Researchers participated to "Impact Action" an in-depth workshop organized by the programme SENT Social Enterprise and Legacoopsociali. The aim of the workshop was to study the methodologies and tools useful for designing, planning and monitoring new projects starting by focusing on the social impact that one intends to generate. The workshops aimed at expanding [...]
Research and experience in the field gradually reached through consulting services and collaborations in various projects have allowed ARCO Researchers to produce first-hand and high quality knowledge on situations at risk of marginalization. The transmission of this knowledge in the academic field is as important as the research itself. For this reason, the Researchers of […]
To strengthen the participation of persons with disabilities to social and economic life in Palestine, ARCO Researchers carried out two Emancipatory Research under the framework of the project Particip-Action - implemented by the NGO Educaid, in collaboration with RIDS and funded the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation - and the project Empowerment of [...]
For active citizenship and more sustainable consumption The Erasmus + CYCLE project, funded by the European Commission, started in 2017 and ended in September 2019. CYCLE aims to increase and promote skills on the Circular Economy of trainers who deliver courses for adults through the use of a platform and -learning that collects content from [...]
The Municipality of Prato, with the scientific and technical support of ARCO Researchers, participated to the European Union Partnership of the Urban Agenda for Circular Economy focusing on two major themes: Waste water treatment of urban and industrial plants for agricultural purposes Urban regeneration through the reuse of abandoned or underused buildings In recent years, [...]