A new project started in February! After A.L.I., the project aiming at enhancing the employability of persons with disabilities, the new project V.A.L.I. has been launched. Discover A.L.I V.A.L.I Towards Autonomy Work Inclusion V.A.L.I. designs and offers services that will improve the work inclusion of disadvantaged people in the Metropolitan City of Florence. The project [...]
We would like to start the new year with some pictures and a brief presentation of our 2018. A year full of new challenges and opportunities. A special thanks to our partners and to all the people who work everyday, all over the world, to contribute to a sustainable human development. In 2017 the SDGs helped [...]
31 partner per contrastare la povertà educativa con il progetto finanziato dall'impresa sociale Con i Bambini Finanziato attraverso il Bando Adolescenza di Con i bambini, il progetto “Sogni e bisogni” mira a contrastare la povertà educativa tra i ragazzi/e di età compresa tra gli 11 e i 17 anni. Il progetto, di durata triennale, mette [...]
Participatory governance: the political ground The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, through the Ministry of Interior (MICLAT), has recently started to implement new forms of participatory democracy and concerted governance with the launch of the CapDeL Programme. The European Commission and UNDP are partners of the initiative. The programme aims at strengthening the role of local [...]
Promoting the development of ecotourism and renewable energy in the Vayots Dzor region (Armenia), by supporting SMEs and especially accommodation facilities. This is the objective of the AREVADZOR project (Enhancing SME competitiveness through promotion and wider use of sustainable innovative technologies), implemented by PIN, ARCO and the Regional Tourism Centre of Vayots Dzor (Armenia). ARCO [...]
The relaunch of the Bethlehem Handicraft Platform is successfully going on. The focus of the Youth in Palestine project is on the handicraft sector and organizations that are working to foster the economic and social inclusion of vulnerable people. Within the framework of the project we assessed the potential areas of intervention to enhance the […]
ICF International Classification of Functionings Since the environment a person lives in affects his/her behavior and functioning, the International Classification of Functioning describes health taking into account the social and the environmental context. The ICF model was officially endorsed by all 191 WHO Members on 22 May 200 as the international standard to describe and […]
The demand for impact evaluations is increasing. In Italy, this is especially true since “Con i Bambini” opened three important calls for proposals. “Con i Bambini” is a social enterprise currenlty managing the implementation of the “Fondo per il contrasto della povertà educativa minorile”, a governmental fund established to contrast educational poverty among children and […]