Tuesday September 19th, 2023 ARCO

Guidelines for the drafting of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLR) in Italy

Elaborating guidelines for the drafting of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLR) at a national level aims at spreading a culture of sustainability, through the involvement and awareness-raising of local authorities, associations and young people to implement the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at a local level. The Local Development Unit - in the [...]

youth local review sviluppo locale development SDG sostenibilità YLR
Monday September 18th, 2023 ARCO

The first Youth Local Review: youth and sustainability in the Metropolitan City of Florence

Promoting the active participation of young people through the Youth Local Review (YLR) allows them to become main dirvers in the process of 2030 Agenda localisation by gathering their opinions and aspirations concerning the sustainability of territories. The YLR is therefore a Voluntary Local Review (VLR) entirely focused on young people. The Local Development Unit [...]

anlisis territoriale territorial analysis sviluppo locale local development ricerca
Monday September 11th, 2023 ARCO

Analisi territoriale per pianificare lo sviluppo umano sostenibile

L’analisi territoriale è uno strumento utile a una comprensione approfondita di un determinato territorio, che sia esso un quartiere, una città, un gruppo di città o una regione. Tale strumento può essere utilizzato dagli amministratori locali, dai decisori politici e dalle organizzazioni che mirano ad avere un impatto significativo sul territorio, selezionando priorità e strategie [...]

community based emancipatory research disability disabilità ricercaemancipatoria sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development
Friday September 1st, 2023 ARCO

Community based Emancipatory Disability Research: methods & potentialities

Community-based Emancipatory Disability Research, CB-EDR, supports people with disabilities and disabled people’s organisations to produce new knowledge about their own lives and the different barriers that impede their full and effective participation in society. Thus, CB-EDR is both a tool to foster inclusive development and a tool to collect quantitative and qualitative data to identify [...]

SPES Sustainability Performances Evidences and Scenarios sviluppo umano sostenibility transistion europe project
Wednesday May 31st, 2023 ARCO

SPES Sustainability Performances Evidences and Scenarios

How can productivity, equality, sustainability, and participation be reconciled in an integrated framework to help drive the transition towards sustainable human development in Europe? SPES-Sustainability Performances Evidences & Scenarios is a European project, financed under the Horizon 2030 Research and Innovation Programme, that aims at better understanding the interconnections between economic growth, human flourishing, and [...]

inclusive labour markets mercati del lavoro inclusivi progetti project horizon
Friday May 19th, 2023 ARCO

PATHS2INCLUDE developing inclusive labour markets for persons in vulnerable situations

Disentangling the dimensions of discrimination in the labour market to gain knowledge on developing inclusive labour markets for persons in vulnerable situations. PATHS2INCLUDE European Labour Market Under Pressure – New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations, is a European project, financed under the Horizon 2030 Research and Innovation Programme, that aims to [...]

SROI index Come si misura il rendimento i un'impresa, attraverso l'indice
Monday May 15th, 2023 ARCO

SROI Analysis, measuring companies social performance

Measuring the SROI index, Social Return on Investment, allows companies and/or organizations to measure the impact of their investments or corporate welfare projects in terms of social performance. The concept of social impact has received increasing attention in recent years, especially from social enterprises and third sector organizations that wish to know, evaluate and communicate [...]

social citizenship rights EUROSHIP cittandinza sociale diritti ricerca research
Wednesday May 3rd, 2023 ARCO

Intersectionality, GIS tools and social rights: a study on the gaps on European social citizenship

The growing awareness about the role of social rights as a founding component of European citizenship and cohesion led the European institutions to launch the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), in 2017. In the EUROSHIP Working paper n°27 “Intersectionality and the assessment of gaps in social citizenship” by Mario Biggeri, ARCO’s Scientific Director, Federico [...]