The project RigenERPrato, financed by the Department of Public Administration within the Social Innovation Fund, aims at supporting the process towards achieving personal autonomy for families hosted in public housing units in the Municipality of Prato. The project main programmed activities include the provision of personalised support services that can meet the specific household needs […]
Nel distretto di Iringa, le condizioni dei bambini con disabilità e delle loro famiglie sono molto dure. Nonostante alcuni miglioramenti recenti nelle politiche e nei regolamenti, l'accesso all'istruzione è ancora critico per molti di loro. Infatti, i bambini con disabilità sono spesso abbandonati a loro stessi, nascosti in casa, e/o privati delle opportunità di andare [...]
How does migratory experience impact migrants’ well-being? In their paper “Assessing multidimensional well-being and capabilities of migrants hosted in the Italian reception system”, published on the latest issue of the magazine Science and Peace, Researchers Matteo Belletti, Federico Ciani and Scientific Director Mario Biggeri describe the evolution of the multidimensional well-being and capabilities of migrants […]
The Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence was the first fabriceria in Italy to publish its Annual Report in 2016, beginning an annual process of social, economic and financial reporting. Every year, the Annual Report aims to narrate the successes and difficulties that the Foundation overcomes in protecting the cultural and artistic heritage [...]
In the last decades, both academia and UN agencies have increasingly adopted a multidimensional perspective in analyzing and addressing poverty and wellbeing. This was also due to the efforts of UNICEF in promoting the measurement and analysis of child poverty in its multidimensional definition. Following this trend, in their latest work titled “Measuring Child Multidimensional [...]
The first working paper of the project EUROSHIP- Closing gaps in European social citizenship is available online! State-of-the-art review of indicators and data on poverty and social exclusion The working paper "State-of-the-art review of indicators and data on poverty and social exclusion" is the result of the collaboration of partners from the Social Research Institute [...]
Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams e tutte le altre piattaforme di scambio e interazione digitali sono diventate parte della quotidianità, compagni indispensabili per svolgere il proprio lavoro da remoto e collaborare a distanza. Come tutti i lavoratori, anche nel Terzo Settore ci si è adeguati a queste modalità. Per capire quali strumenti hanno permesso [...]
In recent years, and particularly in the early months of 2020, the vulnerability of the linear economy model has strongly emerged. While the knowledge on need to act to reduce waste, its production and environmental emissions spread, we assist to a multiplication of initiatives inspired by the principles of circular economy. Alongside the numerous virtuous […]