valutazione impatto sociale riforma terzo settore misurare social impact SROI bilancio sociale
Monday January 18th, 2021 ARCO

Perché è importante misurare l’impatto sociale?

Il concetto di impatto sociale ha ricevuto una crescente attenzione negli ultimi anni, in particolare dopo la legge di Riforma del Terzo Settore che introduce nell’ordinamento la sua valutazione. La Riforma infatti definisce la valutazione di impatto sociale come una “valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa sul breve, medio e lungo periodo degli effetti delle attività svolte [...]

povertà educativa valutazione di imaptto sociale bandi minsitero famiglia
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 ARCO

Povertà educativa e valutazione di impatto sociale, una nuova progettazione

In un momento in cui l'emergenza sanitaria ha acuito le disuguaglianze e le fragilità dei giovani e delle loro famiglie, il Ministero per le Pari Opportunità e per la Famiglia ha approvato due bandi volti a sostenere progetti capaci di offrire una risposta a queste problematiche e contrastare la povertà educativa. I bandi sono rivolti [...]

enabling ecosystem for social businesses ecosistemi favorevoli alla creazione i imprese sociali ricerca economia sociale social eocnomy enterprises
Monday December 7th, 2020 ARCO

Fostering enabling ecosystems for the birth and dissemination of social business

Social enterprises promote and contribute to human development and sustainable development at the local level. In particular they identify and offer solutions to social and environemental problems: social entrepreneurs develop new ideas and give life to innovative products, services or models by creating collaborations and partnerships with local actors. Thus, they are able to answer [...]

bando prima infanzia di con i bambini monitoraggio e valutazione, valutazioni di impatto
Monday November 30th, 2020 admin

Monitoring and evaluation: with our partners in fighting educational poverty

Three proposals, one common goal: fighting educational poverty. 80 projects targeting children aged 0-6 and their families have been funded by the social enterprise "Con I Bambini", that is in charge of allocating the resourcse of a governmental fund established to contrast educational poverty. We are in charge of the monitoring and evaluation process of [...]

IF inserimetno lavorativo job placement
Friday November 13th, 2020 ARCO

ICF language, towards a structured system of job placement for disadvantaged persons

Between October and November 2020, Regione Toscana together with ANCI Toscana promoted the project "Trainings for Accessible Communities". The project aims to create and implement free training courses to deepen and spread greater attention to accessibility in working environments. The training was directed in particular at managers and officials of Tuscan municipalities in the social, [...]

formazione valutazione di impatto dei progetti discussione dati quantitativi dati qualitativi con i bambini arco devianza minorile
Tuesday October 27th, 2020 ARCO

Impact evaluation of the projects promoted by the Fund to contrast educational poverty of minors

In 2018, ARCO's Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Evaluation has been chosen as external evaluator in 5 projects promoted by the Fund to contrast educational poverty of minors, managed by the social business Con i Bambini. Involved in 6 regional and national projects,  Reserachers have developed and implemented, for esach, specific impact evaluation plans. An experience [...]

social board reddito inclusione REI PON progetto ricerca analisi sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development
Tuesday October 13th, 2020 ARCO

Social Board Model: from users to facilitators through Emancipatory Research

In October 2020, a small group of beneficiaries of REI, Inclusion's Income, has been involved by the Inclusive Development Unit in an Emancipatory Research process. The research group is made of women, who use Prato's Social Services. The objective of this process is threefold: first, it will allow users to share their experience about the [...]

assicurazione sanitaria su base comunitaria communitary health insurance sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development arco ricerca research
Monday October 12th, 2020 ARCO

Community Health Insurance, fostering access to health care in low and middle income countries

Community health insurance (CHI) aims to provide financial protection and facilitate health care access among poor rural populations. However, the full development of this scheme is hampered by multiple operational challenges. There is a need to undertake systematic feasibility studies, which are present in the literature, but they usually do not provide a comprehensive analysis [...]