euroship closing gaps in european citizenship cittadinianza sociale europea europa povertà poverty indicator indicatore ESRI social rights
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 ARCO

Euroship: closing gaps in European social citizenship

European social citizenship means creating a feeling that people, especially groups at risk of maginalisation and social exclusion, have something to gain from being members of the EU. Strengthening social citizenship is the central aims of EUROSHIP a three-years project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and implemented by a [...]

innovazione circolare e commodity sostenibili economia circolare servizi formazione ricerca services training consultancy arcolab arco
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 ARCO

Circular Innovation: cities, supply chains, environment and quality

Circular transition at urban level Cities are the main drivers of economic development and the production districts introduce a bio-uniqueness principle among the urban and industrial dimension at a territorial level. The circular economy offers great opportunities for innovation and sustainability of cities and their production systems. Allowing companies to identify and exploit these opportunities [...]

povertà capability approach, poverty, università ricerca research mario biggeri incontri con la città arco arcolab
Thursday May 14th, 2020 ARCO

Le dinamiche della povertà nel mondo, Mario Biggeri a Incontri con la Città

Negli ultimi anni il sistema economico mondiale ha accolto i ricchi ma ha respinto i poveri. Questo periodo così particolare presenta una sfida: trasformare il modello di sviluppo insostenibile per restituire un mondo migliore, in termini economici e ambientali, alle prossime generazioni. Da queste considerazioni prende le mosse la lezione “Sempre più ricchi, sempre più [...]

virtual focus group discussion VFGD corona virus covi19 metodi partecipativi valutazione impatto impact evaluation participatory methods
Monday April 27th, 2020 ARCO

Virtual Focus Group Discussion: participatory methods at times of Coronavirus

The restrictive measures imposed by the COVID-19 emergency, which exploded while the Monitoring & Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit was engaged in data collection for some projects in Italy and abroad, made it necessary to re-consider evaluation strategies to respond to changing needs of field. Determined not to give up the participatory approach - which [...]

valutazione M&£ monitoraggio monitoring vantaggi key benefits arco arcolab
Thursday March 26th, 2020 ARCO

5 key benefits of external evaluation for cooperation and development projects

ARCO Research Center is personally committed in spreading the culture of evaluation. The reason is simple: external evaluation is the only way to understand which interventions really work and why! I have learned that success depends on knowing what works  Bill Gates Based on the results of an external evaluation, organizations can focus their efforts […]

rigenerazione degli spazi e degli edifici urbani handbook on sustainable and circular re use of sace and buildings circular economy EU
Thursday March 5th, 2020 ARCO

Regeneration of urban spaces and buildings, a new European publication!

Cities play an essential role in the transition to the Circular Economy. Indeed, it is increasingly necessary to develop innovative policies for the reduction of energy consumption, emissions and waste and for their management. The Handbook on the Sustainable & Circular Re-Use of Spaces and Buildings, written by the members of the Partnership of the [...]

formazione analisi spaziali GIS cartografia digitale sviluppo cooperazione progetti arco Research
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 ARCO

Spatial analysis, GIS and digital cartography: a training to integrate ARCO’s services

Spatial analysis have become increasingly important in development projects due to their ability to transform geographic data into visual representations. With Geo-spatial analysis we aim at defining a set of methodologies, tools and data through which it is possible to offer a cartographic representation of spatial phenomena, and to perform statistical analysis onto data having [...]

resilienza urbana urban resilience SDG framework sviluppo sostenibile sviluppo development arco
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 ARCO

Urban resilience: the role of companies disclosures from SDG perspective

A resilient city is a sustainable network of physical systems and human communities that is built for strength and flexibility, rather than brittleness and fragility. The concept of urban resilience has recently begun to span from academic debates to other, more loosely connected, fields such as social and economic policies related to security, risk and [...]