study on social enterprises
Friday February 7th, 2020 ARCO

Action-research to foster enabling ecosystem for social enterprises in Palestine

In Palestine, the unemployment rate of persons with disabilities has risen to 87%. The project “Let’s start up!” - funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and implemented by Educaid - aimed at fostering the creation of social enterprises to prmote the inclusion of women with disabilities and mothers of persons with disabilities in Palestine. The project [...]

SDG I-SDI sviluppo local monitor monitorare obbiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile index indice
Monday January 20th, 2020 ARCO

Integrated Sustainable Development Index, a new index to monitor Sustainable Development Goals

To monitor the progress made in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Jeffrey Sachs and his colleagues at the Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) developed the SDG Index and Dashboard. Although this tool is useful for analysing progression over time and implementation of sustainable development goals in different countries, the index does [...]

Thursday January 16th, 2020 ARCO

Protected: Mappa degli stakeholder – Boyhood

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EHD impatto sviluppo umano indice metodologia valutazione monitoraggio human development arco arcolab research ricerca
Wednesday January 8th, 2020 ARCO

The EHD methodology: evaluating human development

EHD methodology The EHD methodology goes beyond the traditional evaluations, which are focused on monodimensional outcomes. Based on the Capability Approach developed by Amartya Sen, EHD uses a tailored multidimensional set of indicators within a Sustainable Human Development paradigm. It also adopts a people-centred approach that allows to delivers evidence-based results in a short time [...]

valutazione impatto sociale social impact terzo settore Toscana COPAS rendicontazione
Wednesday December 18th, 2019 ARCO

Social impact reporting: a model for Third Sector organizations

The recent Third Sector Reform in Italy focuses more on accountability and transparency of Third Sector organizations and social businesses. However, due to their intrinsic diversity both locally and nationally, it is difficult to identify a univocal model capable of reporting the responsibilities and social impact of all Third Sector entities. The Social Economy Unit [...]

resilience assessment resilienza misurazione ricerca arco arcolab
Sunday December 1st, 2019 ARCO

The Resilience of Bergamot Farmers in the Reggio Calabria Province, a working paper

The study The Resilience of Bergamot Farmers in the Reggio Calabria Province of Southern Italy was carried out to evaluate the contribution of the reorganization of the Bergamot supply chain to the socio-economic resilience of the families involved in the production. This research is the result of a resilience assessment of bergamot farmers in Calabria [...]

formazione in monitoraggio e valutazione nuovo master per dipendenti pubblici dei ministeri
Monday November 25th, 2019 ARCO

Training in Monitoring and Evaluation for public officers in Palestine

ARCO’s experts in Monitoring and Evaluation will teach Monitoring and Evaluation in the three days training  at the University of Bethlehem. To deepen and learn all the secrets of monitoring and evaluation, the Palestinian Pubic Finance Institute, the University of Bethlehem and VIS – International Volunteering for Development promote a formation for employees of Palestinian […]

azione a impatto roma valutazione
Thursday October 17th, 2019 ARCO

Azione a impatto – A workshop on Social Impact Evaluation

ARCO Researchers participated to "Impact Action" an in-depth workshop organized by the programme SENT Social Enterprise and Legacoopsociali. The aim of the workshop was to study the methodologies and tools useful for designing, planning and monitoring new projects starting by focusing on the social impact that one intends to generate. The workshops aimed at expanding [...]