sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development research ricerca arco arcolab
Monday October 14th, 2019 ARCO

Inclusive development: experiences from field to academy

Research and experience in the field gradually reached through consulting services and collaborations in various projects have allowed ARCO Researchers to produce first-hand and high quality knowledge on situations at risk of marginalization. The transmission of this knowledge in the academic field is as important as the research itself. For this reason, the Researchers of […]

disabilità disability ricerca emancipatoria emancipatory research donne women sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development
Friday October 4th, 2019 ARCO

Disability in Palestine: new perspectives from Emancipatory Research

To strengthen the participation of persons with disabilities to social and economic life in Palestine, ARCO Researchers carried out two Emancipatory Research under the framework of the project Particip-Action  - implemented by the NGO Educaid, in collaboration with RIDS and funded the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation - and the project Empowerment of [...]

Wednesday September 25th, 2019 ARCO

Project CYCLE: lifelong learning on Circular Economy

For active citizenship and more sustainable consumption The Erasmus + CYCLE project, funded by the European Commission, started in 2017 and ended in September 2019. CYCLE aims to increase and promote skills on the Circular Economy of trainers who deliver courses for adults through the use of a platform and -learning that collects content from [...]

Trattamento delle acque reflue per usi agricoli iter revisione normativa europea Partnership per la Urba Agenda of the Eu on Circolar Economy rigenerazione degli spazi

Waste water treatment for agricultural purposes: a European project born in Prato

The Municipality of Prato, with the scientific and technical support of ARCO Researchers, participated to the European Union Partnership of the Urban Agenda for Circular Economy  focusing on two major themes: Waste water treatment of urban and industrial plants for agricultural purposes Urban regeneration through the reuse of abandoned or underused buildings In recent years, [...]

networking an b2b in Armenia per sviluppare l'ecoturismo to foster ecotourism in Vayots Dzor
Thursday September 12th, 2019 ARCO

Networking and B2B to foster ecotourism in Armenia

ARCO Researchers were in Armenia to continue the work on fostering the development of ecotourism in the Vayots Dzor region. Under the framework of the Monitoring Service of the project AREVADZOR – Enhancing SME competitiveness through promotion and wider use of sustainable innovative technologies, ARCO's Local Development Unit, as a partner of PIN S.c.r.l., took [...]

linee guida per la redazione del Bilancio Socaile economia esempio cos'è ricerca scrivere terzo settore accountability arco arcolab
Monday September 9th, 2019 ARCO

Linee Guida per la redazione del Bilancio Sociale degli enti del Terzo Settore

Per il Terzo Settore, il 2019 è un anno di intensi cambiamenti. Tra le disposizioni contenute nella Riforma del Terzo Settore, legge 106 del 2016, oltre all'obbligo di adeguare il proprio statuto alle nuove norme, vi è anche l'obbligo per gli enti di redigere e pubblicare il proprio Bilancio Sociale. Per procedere in questa operazione [...]

disabilità disabilities capability approach inclusione inclusion impatto impact
Friday September 6th, 2019 ARCO

Fostering students with disabilities inclusion in higher education through the Capability Approach

In the last three decades, the legislation on the inclusion of disability has led to an increase in the enrolment of students with disabilities in higher education. However, barriers to the full participation of students remain. In the latest article co-authored by Mario Biggeri, Disability in higher education: assessing student's capabilities in two Italian universities [...]

Monday September 2nd, 2019 ARCO

ARCO Researchers participation to the annual conference of Human Development and Capability Association

Researchers of ARCO's Local Development Unit and Inclusive Development Unit will fly to London to participate to the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) Annual Conference from the 9th to the 11th of September. This year HDCA's Annual Conference theme will be Connecting Capabilities  since “connection” is an important capability that needs further consideration. This [...]