Wednesday July 31st, 2019 ARCO

Conclusione del progetto per migliorare la qualità dei datteri Medjool in Palestina

Il progetto per riorganizzare la cooperativa degli agricoltori di datteri Medjool e migliorare la qualità degli stessi datteri portato avanti a Gerico, nella Valle del Giordano (Palestina) - finanziato dall'Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo e implementato dalla Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II - si è concluso con l'inaugurazione di una nuova cella frigorifera. Questa [...]

stakeholder engagement report di sostenibilità sustainability report rendicontazione sociale social economy economia sociale arco arcolab ricerca research
Monday July 29th, 2019 ARCO

Why it’s important to engage stakeholders in Sustainability Reporting?

In recent years, large companies have earned revenues similar to small States GDPs, but not all of them pay the same attention to the cost of their activities in social and, above all, environmental terms. The Sustainability Report, which defines a company's impact on neighboring communities and environment, represents both a powerful channel of communication [...]

Master Degree in local adminsitration and local development giordania
Friday July 12th, 2019 ARCO

New Master’s Degree in Local Administration and Local Development in Jordan

Starting September 2019, ARCO Researchers will participate to the first Master in Local Administration and Local Development in Amman, Jordan. The Degree is funded by the European Union Delegation to Jordan, implemented by the Jordan Ministry of the Interior, UNDP Jordan and the University of Jordan with the scientific coordination of The Hague Academy for Local [...]

ricerca emancipatoria emancipatory research disabilità sviluppo inclusivo disability inclusive development arco arcolab
Thursday July 11th, 2019 ARCO

Emancipatory Research to strengthen social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities in Mozambique

In Mozambique, we work to strengthen the social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities also through Emancipatory Research. The protagonism of persons with disabilities and their organizations is built by strengthening their capacities, thier ability to analyse and read the reality and the barriers that prevent full and effective participation in society. Within the [...]

inclusione lavorativa work inclusione inclusive development arco
Wednesday February 27th, 2019 ARCO

V.A.L.I Enhancing the work inclusion of disadvantaged people

A new project started in February! After A.L.I., the project aiming at enhancing the employability of persons with disabilities, the new project V.A.L.I. has been launched. Discover A.L.I V.A.L.I Towards Autonomy Work Inclusion V.A.L.I. designs and offers services that will improve the work inclusion of disadvantaged people in the Metropolitan City of Florence. The project [...]

sviluppo umano sostenibile
Friday January 4th, 2019 admin

Our contribution to sustainable human development – 2018

We would like to start the new year with some pictures and a brief presentation of our 2018. A year full of new challenges and opportunities. A special thanks to our partners and to all the people who work everyday, all over the world, to contribute to a sustainable human development. In 2017 the SDGs helped [...]

bando adolescenza di con i bambini
Friday November 16th, 2018 admin

“Sogni e bisogni”, il progetto finanziato dal Bando Adolescenza di Con i Bambini

31 partner per contrastare la povertà educativa con il progetto finanziato dall'impresa sociale Con i Bambini Finanziato attraverso il Bando Adolescenza di Con i bambini, il progetto “Sogni e bisogni” mira a contrastare la povertà educativa tra i ragazzi/e di età compresa tra gli 11 e i 17 anni. Il progetto, di durata triennale, mette [...]

CapDeL governance partecipativa attori locali svilupo inclusivo locale Algeria democrazia inclusive development local actors democracy
Wednesday October 24th, 2018 admin

CapDeL, participatory governance to strengthen the role of local actors in Algeria

Participatory governance: the political ground The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, through the Ministry of Interior (MICLAT), has recently started to implement new forms of participatory democracy and concerted governance with the launch of the CapDeL Programme. The European Commission and UNDP are partners of the initiative. The programme aims at strengthening the role of local [...]