formazione valutazione di impatto dei progetti discussione dati quantitativi dati qualitativi con i bambini arco devianza minorile
Tuesday October 27th, 2020 ARCO

Impact evaluation of the projects promoted by the Fund to contrast educational poverty of minors

In 2018, ARCO's Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Evaluation has been chosen as external evaluator in 5 projects promoted by the Fund to contrast educational poverty of minors, managed by the social business Con i Bambini. Involved in 6 regional and national projects,  Reserachers have developed and implemented, for esach, specific impact evaluation plans. An experience [...]

social board reddito inclusione REI PON progetto ricerca analisi sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development
Tuesday October 13th, 2020 ARCO

Social Board Model: from users to facilitators through Emancipatory Research

In October 2020, a small group of beneficiaries of REI, Inclusion's Income, has been involved by the Inclusive Development Unit in an Emancipatory Research process. The research group is made of women, who use Prato's Social Services. The objective of this process is threefold: first, it will allow users to share their experience about the [...]

assicurazione sanitaria su base comunitaria communitary health insurance sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development arco ricerca research
Monday October 12th, 2020 ARCO

Community Health Insurance, fostering access to health care in low and middle income countries

Community health insurance (CHI) aims to provide financial protection and facilitate health care access among poor rural populations. However, the full development of this scheme is hampered by multiple operational challenges. There is a need to undertake systematic feasibility studies, which are present in the literature, but they usually do not provide a comprehensive analysis [...]

localizzazione degli SDGs localization local development covid 19 recovery ripresa arco arcolab
Friday October 2nd, 2020 ARCO

SDGs localization: opportunities and challenges in the post Covid19 scenario in Italy

For the 75th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly, the third U20 in Riyadh and on the eve of the Decade for Action, the ten years that separate us from the goal of the 2030 Agenda, we are facing numerous challenges, but also numerous opportunities. The Covid 19 emergency had serious consequences from an [...]

ricerca innovazione R&I independent expert report
Thursday September 24th, 2020 ARCO

R&I policy for sustainable development, a road map for policymakers

Research and Innovation policy plays a pivotal role for the pursuit of and the transition towards sustainable development in economic, social and environmental terms.Within the global debate on sustainable development, a new framing on R&I for transformative change has been gaining momentum. To understand to what extent and how R&I policy in the post- COVID [...]

RI DAys research and innovation ricerca innovazione sostenibilità sustainability Unione Europea EU Commissione COmmission

EU R&I Days: Research and Innovation for transition to sustainability

On September 24th Mario Biggeri, Scientific Director of ARCO, participated as a panelist to the open session “Towards a Champions League for Transition to Sustainability” organized by the DG for Research & Innovation of the European Commission for the  2020 European Research and Innovation Days. In 2019, R&I Days session on “Re-defining prosperity’’ took stock [...]

prato circualr city economia circolare distretto tessile circular economy research arco ricerca circular innovation innovazione circolare
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 ARCO

Prato Circular City: circular transition towards Circular Economy

Prato Circular City wants to contribute to the transition towards the city's Circular Economy. Within the urban system, that is the interconnection of the inhabited area, the commercial and industrial area, the agricultural area, policies can be implemented and experiments can be initiated that facilitate the transition from linear to circular activities and behaviors. The [...]

metodi partecipativi participaotry methods and capability Approach arco arcolab

Rethinking participatory research in the pandemic era, webinar for HDCA Annual Conference

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives and livelihoods across the world and disrupted the ways in which we experience our capabilities everyday. In these times of the pandemic, researchers and practitioners who are using participatory approaches,  have had serious implications for the quality and the validity of the participatory inquiries and outcomes of our [...]