CapabITALY network ricerca università ticercatori research capability approach italia italy
Friday September 17th, 2021 ARCO

CapabITALY, the Italian academic network for sustainable human development

CapabITALY is a network of scholars, lecturers, researchers who apply the principles of the Capability Approach in different disciplines. The networks aims at promoting evidence-based policies for sustainable human development. Capability Approach The Capability Approach is a theoretical framework introduced by Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics  Amartya Sen in the 1980s. This approach has since [...]

VLR voluntary local revirew sdg localization sviluppo locale local development
Wednesday September 1st, 2021 ARCO

What is a Voluntary Local Review and why is it important for the SDGs Localization?

The Voluntary Local Review (VLR) is an analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a specific local context, thus, a very important monitoring tool for their implementation at city or regional level. The process of SDGs localization that starts with the Voluntary Local Review allows local authorities to identify their own priorities and territorial [...]

SDGs localization localizzazione policy guidelines linee guida policy makers sviluppo locale local develpment
Thursday July 29th, 2021 ARCO

SDGs Localization, 6 Policy Guidelines for social cohesion and social and solidarity economy best practices

The pandemic is widening the structural inequalities that exist within and among countries, not only for the most vulnerable groups of people but also for vulnerable territories, threatening both social and territorial cohesion. Moreover, the pandemic is making evident the interconnections between the social, economic and environmental spheres, alerting us to the importance of achieving [...]

community health financing finanziamento sanitario su base comunitario sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development arco arcolab
Wednesday July 21st, 2021 ARCO

Community health financing: a model to protect households from unexpected health costs in informal settings

In low- and middle-income countries, catastrophic health expenditures and economic hardship constitute a common risk for households’ welfare. Community health financing (CHF) represents a viable option to improve financial protection, but robust impact evaluations are needed to advance the debate concerning universal health coverage in informal settings. In their latest article “Financial protection and coping […]

Next Generation Prato circular eocnomy economia circolare PNRR piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza supervisione scientifica scientfici supervision
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 ARCO

Next Generation Prato: scientific supervision for the PNRR local strategy in the Municipality of Prato

With the Next Generation Prato, the document outlining strategies and projects to exploit the opportunities offered by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), the Municipality of Prato continues its process towards ecological, digital and circular transition. The document Next Generation Prato is the result of a participatory work, which stems from the permanent working […]

social impact bonds finanza a impatto RigenERPrato Prato emergenza alloggiativa accoglienza abitativa
Thursday July 1st, 2021 ARCO

RigenERPrato: Social Impact Bonds as a possible solution to the housing emergency?

The project RigenERPrato, financed by the Department of Public Administration within the Social Innovation Fund, aims at supporting the process towards achieving personal autonomy for families hosted in public housing units in the Municipality of Prato. The project main programmed activities include the provision of personalised support services that can meet the specific household needs […]

ricerca emancipatoria emancipatory research tanzani ringa school access scuola bambini
Wednesday June 9th, 2021 ARCO

Promuovere l’inclusione dei bambini con disabilità: una Ricerca Emancipatoria in Tanzania

Nel distretto di Iringa, le condizioni dei bambini con disabilità e delle loro famiglie sono molto dure. Nonostante alcuni miglioramenti recenti nelle politiche e nei regolamenti, l'accesso all'istruzione è ancora critico per molti di loro. Infatti, i bambini con disabilità sono spesso abbandonati a loro stessi, nascosti in casa, e/o privati delle opportunità di andare [...]

assessing the wellbeing of migrant hosted in the italian system migranti accoglienza SPRAR CAS benessere multidimensionale
Saturday May 15th, 2021 ARCO

Assessing multidimensional well-being and capabilities of migrants hosted in the Italian reception system

How does migratory experience impact migrants’ well-being? In their paper “Assessing multidimensional well-being and capabilities of migrants hosted in the Italian reception system”, published on the latest issue of the magazine Science and Peace, Researchers Matteo Belletti, Federico Ciani and Scientific Director Mario Biggeri describe the evolution of the multidimensional well-being and capabilities of migrants […]