Horizon 2030 mercati del lavoro inclusivi inclusive labour markets Path2Include rpogetto europeo europe project
Friday May 19th, 2023 ARCO

PATHS2INCLUDE developing inclusive labour markets for persons in vulnerable situations

Disentangling the dimensions of discrimination in the labour market to gain knowledge on developing inclusive labour markets for persons in vulnerable situations. PATHS2INCLUDE European Labour Market Under Pressure – New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations, is a European project, financed under the Horizon 2030 Research and Innovation Programme, that aims to [...]

SROI index Come si misura il rendimento i un'impresa, attraverso l'indice
Monday May 15th, 2023 ARCO

SROI Analysis, measuring companies social performance

Measuring the SROI index, Social Return on Investment, allows companies and/or organizations to measure the impact of their investments or corporate welfare projects in terms of social performance. The concept of social impact has received increasing attention in recent years, especially from social enterprises and third sector organizations that wish to know, evaluate and communicate [...]

social citizenship rights EUROSHIP cittandinza sociale diritti ricerca research
Wednesday May 3rd, 2023 ARCO

Intersectionality, GIS tools and social rights: a study on the gaps on European social citizenship

The growing awareness about the role of social rights as a founding component of European citizenship and cohesion led the European institutions to launch the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), in 2017. In the EUROSHIP Working paper n°27 “Intersectionality and the assessment of gaps in social citizenship” by Mario Biggeri, ARCO’s Scientific Director, Federico [...]

SDG Localization China Cina policy makers academic debate
Wednesday April 26th, 2023 ARCO

SDG Localization in China’s provinces, a new study for the academic and policy debate

According to the global 2020 SDG Index, China ranks 48th out of 166 countries in terms of SDG performances, with a score of 73.9. At the national level, this suggests a capacity of balancing different aspects of development, exploiting their synergies and reducing the trade-offs. Yet, the strong heterogeneity in the level and type of […]

genere gender mainstreaming lente valutazione inclusione donne empowerment women
Thursday February 23rd, 2023 ARCO

A gender lens: gender mainstreaming and evaluation strategies for development projects

When developing an evaluation strategy for a project or programme, regardless of the sector of intervention and the specific topics addressed, it is essential to ensure that phenomena are read through an inclusive "lens". Indeed, such an approach, which is also increasingly promoted by international development organisations (OECD DAC, 2019), makes it possible to distinguish [...]

AMIF FAMI valutazione evaluation project progetti migranti migrazione migration migrants work inclusion lavoro inclusione
Wednesday February 15th, 2023 ARCO

Evaluating projects tackling migration and sustainable human development

Understanding the link between migration and (human) development is fundamental to purse a more sustainable and inclusive future. Human mobility is at the same time part of the structural transformation process of human development and a factor that affects such process. In particular, migration potentially affects the well-being of the migrants and their families, communities [...]

SECA model modello compliance imprese conformità
Wednesday January 18th, 2023 ARCO

The SECA model to measure the compliance of production processes in manufacturing SMEs

Firms play a leading role in the transition to sustainability since their organizational structure, management system, and innovation processes are all key drivers towards sustainability, inclusiveness, and productivity growth. The sectors characterized by a high presence of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) don’t always have the appropriate tools and model to assess the application […]

PNRR NRRP piano nazionale ripresa e resilienza lavoro inclusione sociale work social inclusione mission 5 missione ricerca social inclusion
Tuesday November 22nd, 2022 ARCO

Labour policies and social inclusion: a critical analysis of Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan’s Mission 5

The extraordinary resources provided by the #NexGenerationEU programme, implemented in Italy through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), offer an opportunity to rethink policies for inclusion and cohesion. On the one hand, these resources allow to contrast social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with particular reference to levels of unemployment, poverty and material deprivation, […]