Tuesday January 14th, 2025 ARCO

Organisational consulting: promoting sustainability, inclusion, and well-being in impact organisations

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Sustainability, inclusion, and well-being are increasingly essential in today’s market, as organisations, companies and institutions need to focus on their internal and external dynamics and the impact they generate. Achieving business objectives no longer depends only on leveraging the best technical expertise but also on adopting the right combination of training and growth opportunities for employees, non-financial reporting, sustainability practices, and internal processes to remove barriers to inclusion. Organisational consulting can help organisations create value for society as a whole, promoting well-being and sustainability as fundamental pillars of change.

Who can help with organisational consulting? ARCO can!

ARCO’s Units have developed an innovative and participatory model of organisational consulting tailored to the needs of both profit and non-profit organisations aiming to generate social value and improve people’s well-being. This model is based on Amartya Sen’s Capabilities Approach and aims to foster the development of individual and collective capacities by prioritising listening and active participation from the organisations involved.

ARCO offers four tailored organisational consultancies based on the needs and potential of each entity: one more comprehensive analysis focused on organisational sustainability strategies and three specific analyses addressing crucial aspects for organisational improvement and sustainability.

1. Sustainability Strategies and Reporting

An effective sustainability strategy begins with a detailed analysis of the context in which the organisation operates, assessing its environmental, social, and economic impact to identify critical areas for intervention. This analysis allows the definition of clear and measurable goals, structured over short-, medium-, and long-term timelines, supported by key performance indicators (KPIs).

In this context, integrating ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria is central, enabling sustainable practices to be embedded in decision-making processes while promoting ethical governance, environmental protection, and social well-being.

Engaging stakeholders—such as employees, customers, suppliers, local communities, and investors—ensures that sustainability is addressed collaboratively and with active participation. This continuous dialogue builds a shared vision and creates value for all parties involved.

To ensure sustainability practices are effectively and sustainably integrated into the organisation’s strategies, the consulting process also offers training and awareness programs for employees and stakeholders. Training and transparently reporting achieved results contribute to building a culture oriented toward change and enhance the credibility of the organisation’s commitment to sustainability.

2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I)

An inclusive environment allows each individual to reach their full potential, fostering well-being and organisational effectiveness. Through a detailed analysis of internal processes and procedures, potential issues hindering inclusion and equity can be identified.

ARCO’s consulting helps organisations design policies and adopt practices to eliminate systemic barriers, promote equal opportunities, value cultural, gender, and skills-based diversity, and facilitate equitable participation. At the same time, it encourages representative leadership and more inclusive decision-making.

This process also involves raising employee awareness and targeted training to develop a corporate culture that recognises diversity and inclusion as strategic levers for innovation and growth.

3. Organisational culture, Well-Being, and Welfare

To improve organisational culture, employee well-being, available skills, and welfare needs, ARCO offers a personalised consulting pathway that includes interviews, focus groups, and tailored surveys.

Through organisational climate and skills gap analysis, consulting can highlight strengths, areas for improvement, or training needs. It enables the planning of interventions to enhance staff satisfaction and motivation, as well as creating professional development opportunities and improving overall quality of life and productivity.

4. Environmental Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment

To facilitate the transition to environmentally sustainable models, ARCO promotes the implementation of more sustainable production processes and the design of products and services with reduced environmental impact.

ARCO, together with its partners, offers Life Cycle Assessments and Social Life Cycle Assessments to analyse supply chains, helping organisations comply with environmental regulations, reduce their ecological footprint, and develop long-term value-creating sustainability strategies.

Transparent reporting of the results achieved in terms of environmental sustainability also builds the organisation’s reputation in the marketplace.

To know more

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Interested? Drop us a line at info[at]arcolab.org