Local Development

Encouraging sustainable human development by valuing local resources

Innovative and participatory methodologies and an approach based on sustainable human development stand at the centre of Local Development Unit’s work in international development cooperation.

We offer research and technical assistance throughout every phase of the local development process, including needs analysis, strategic planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs, actions promoting sustainable human development and offer technical and scientific support for the localization of Agenda 2030.

  • Diagnostic studies on development, sustainability and resilience of socio-economic sectors and territories
  • Ideazione e sperimentazione di modelli innovativi, governance partecipativa e sviluppo locale
  • Studies for the valorisation of a territory’s assets
  • Measuring well-being and quality of life at local level
  • Technical and scientific support for the SDGs Localisation
  • Studies and analyses on sustainable tourism
  • Research and social impact assessment on projects related to the integration and inclusion of migrants and persons enjoying international protection


  • Implementing ethical and environmental brands
  • Creating integrated procedures for sustainable supply chains and local systems of production
  • Helping organizations become compliant with international standards of management and production

Certification & sustainability
of local productive system

Territorial analysis

Planning the sustainable human development of a territory in a transparent, coherent and concrete manner.

Territorial analysis is a process to identify and define the potential, aspirations and needs for sustainable human development of a given territory, from a social, economic and environmental point of view. It is a useful tool for an in-depth understanding of a given territory, be it a neighbourhood, a city, a group of cities or a region.

This tool can be used by local administrators, policy makers and organisations that aim to have a significant impact on the territory by selecting priorities and strategies based on its actual needs, aspirations and specificities.

Find out more here:

SDGs Localization

The importance of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local level is widely recognised in academic and policy circles. The SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, can provide a framework to guide local development policies.

Through an integrated and participatory approach to sustainable development, ARCO’s Local Development Unit offers a set of core competences and operational tools to facilitate the ownership of the SDGs, their integration into strategic planning processes and their translation into public policies on a local basis. Local authorities such as the Metropolitan City of Florence and the Metropolitan City of Rome have been supported in the elaboration of their own Voluntary Local Review and Metropolitan Agenda.

The Local Development Unit also wants to increase the involvement and participation of young people in the strategic planning of the territories in which they live. This was done through various participative methodologies, such as gaming, focus groups and surveys, which led for example to the elaboration of the first Youth Voluntary Review of the Metropolitan City of Florence.

Contact us:

Andrea Ferrannini
Local Development Unit Coordinator

Find out a selection of our projects on Local Development

valutazione impact impatto cocoa cacao SROI Ecuador Manabì

Social impact evaluation using the SROI methodology of small cocoa producers in Ecuador

sammontana empoli valdelsa giovani opportunità youth need analysis opportunities young people

Betting on the Future: Youth and Territory in the Empolese Valdelsa Municipalities

Educazione alla Cittadinanza Globale sviluppo sostenibile genrazione 2030

Generation 2030 training for local authorities on youth participation for sustainable development

capacity building riammissione migrazione migraztion readmission admission Mediterranean IOM IOM

Capacity Building European Facility for the Readmission of Migrants – EURCAP, Final Evaluation

voluntary local review della città metropolitana di roma capitale

Voluntary Local Review of the Metropolitan City of Rome

migrazione migration nigeria valutazione evaluation

Evaluation of Dare to Hope, a project to create socio-economic alternatives to migration in Nigeria

analisi territoriale territorial analysis villa saletta palaia Pisa

Territorial analysis for the recovery of the historic village of Villa Saletta

analisi territoria pratolino villa demidoff territorial analysisi sustainable human development

Territorial analysis for the enhancement of the Medici Gardens of Pratolino

analisi territoriale valorizzazione territorial analysisi mondeggi

Studies and research for the eco-sustainable recovery, renovation and functionalization of the Villa Mondeggi Estate

restart med capitalizzazione turismo sostenibile sustainable tourism mediterraneo mediterranean eni cbc med

RESTART MED! capitalisation for the promotion of sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean

FAMI AMIF migrazione mainstreaming migration toolkit guides evaluation

Evaluation of the project that fosters mainstreaming migration into international cooperation and development policies

FAMI AMIF protezione internazionale international protection migration migrazione inside aut project progettazione

Evaluation of the project INside AUT promoting the autonomy of persons holding international protection

SDG localization Bargou Tunisia sviluppo economico locale economica rural development

SDGs Localisation Strategies and Local Development in Tunisia

SDG Localization multilevel governance UN Habitat sviluppo locale local development

The Localization of the SDGs and post-pandemic recovery through enhanced multilevel governance

diaspora per lo sviluppo sostenibile international cooepration SDG localization localizzazione cooperazione internazionale

Migration and the localisation of SDGs: the role of diaspora associations for sustainable development

local authorities municipalities mainstreaming migration migrazione Comuni municipalit Italia Albania

Final evaluation of the IOM project on municipalities and migration mainstreaming in Italy and Albania

analisi territoriale territorial diagnostics analysis local development sviluppo locale associazione spazio per tempo montelupo toscana

Territorial analysis for the valorisation strategy of Atelier Marco Bagnoli and the association Spazio X Tempo

turismo tourism valutazione evaluation med gaims valorizzazione patrimonio gamification preservation cultural heritage

Mid-term evaluation of the MED GAIMS project for tourism promotion and preservation of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean

analisi territoriale e socio-economica territorial and sociio-economic diagnostics sviluppo locale comune unione dei comuni municipality sviluppo locale local development

Territorial and socio-economic diagnostics for the Intermunicipal Structural Plan of Valdisieve

cross dev turismo sostenibile sustaianbale tourism Italia Libano Giordania Palestine Lebanon Jordan valutazione intermedia mid-term evaluation

Evaluation of the CROSSDEV project to promote sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean

cooperazione internazionale sdgs localization regione toscaca svilppo locale ricerca

The Tuscan System of International Cooperation for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

localizzazione SDG per redazione Agenda 2030 città Metropolitana di Firenze Sustainable Development Sviluppo Sostenibile sviluppo locale

SDGs Localization for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for the Metropolitan City of Florence

sviluppo lacoale sostenibile turismo development sustainable tourism

Development of sustainable tourism to preserve and enhance the Romanesque cultural heritage in Tuscany with Itinera +

localizing localizzazione degli SDG local strategies strategie per la Regione Toscana for Tuscany Region local development sviluppo locale arco arcolab

SDGs localization to design sustainable development strategies | ARCO

valutazione intermedia dle progetto di contrasto alla migrazione irregolare in Etiopia irregular migratio in ethiopia CIFA onlus CCM South Wollo Amhara Region

Mid-term evaluation of the project to contrast irregular migration in Ethiopia

SPRAR valutazione progetti gestiti da ARCI Toscana esempi svluppo locale migrazione integrazione accoglienza

Evaluation of the SPRAR projects managed by ARCI Toscana

economic development Sviluppo-economico-locale-bolivia

ECO.COM: strengthening local economic development in Bolivia

Cycle economia circolare nella formazione per adulti

Cycle: il progetto per integrare l’economia circolare nella formazione per adulti

Need assessement oxfam Toscana

Need assessment to foster social inclusion in Tuscany

RB Tex il marchio etico per il tessile nato a Prato ethical label textile local development sviluppo locale

RB Tex: the new ethical label for the textile industry

Migrazione sviluppo

Investigating the link between migration and development in Italy

ecotourism development armenia sviluppo locale local development vayots dzor

Action-research for ecotourism development in Armenia

sostenibilità dell'artigianato locale Betlemme sviluppo locale local development craftsmanship in betlehem sviluppo locale local development ARCO

Increasing the sustainability of the local handicraft sector in Bethlehem

piano strategico città metropolitana firenze

Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan City of Florence 2030

impact evalutuation coffee caffè repubblica domenicana doimincan republic m&E valutazione di impatto impact local development sviluppo locale

Impact evaluation of coffee cooperative in the Dominican Republic


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