Friday July 12th, 2019 ARCO

New Master’s Degree in Local Administration and Local Development in Jordan

Master Degree in local adminsitration and local development giordania

Starting September 2019, ARCO Researchers will participate to the first Master in Local Administration and Local Development in Amman, Jordan. The Degree is funded by the European Union Delegation to Jordan, implemented by the Jordan Ministry of the Interior, UNDP Jordan and the University of Jordan with the scientific coordination of The Hague Academy for Local Governance and the contribution of ARCO Researchers in their specific subjects such as Local Development, Local Administration and Human Development.

This Master’s first edition is mainly addressed to officials of the Jordanian Ministries and to NGO personnel active in the country. The very operational focus of the training – in which the analysis of both international and national and local policies is combined with the theoretical framework of academic research – aims to support the decentralization processes of the Jordanian administration, the mechanisms for local governance and human development policies.

ARCO researchers will contribute to the Master’s program  by leading four modules on:

  • integrated local development
  • methodology and tools of scientific research
  • strategic planning and SDGs localization
  • operations and project management in the public sector

Researchers had also, in previous months, participated to the definition of the Master’s training program by contributing to a need assessment in Jordan, to which followed a first phase of elaboration of training materials. The latter were functional to the training of the trainers, this second phase was also followed by the elaboration of further materials directed at the participants.

master in amminsitrazione locale e sviluppo locale giordania

The biggest treasure of Jordan – said H.E. Salameh Hamad Minister of Interior of Jordan at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding last July 4th –  is its people and we need to continuously invest in building their capacities. In this regard I want to commend all the Jordanian and international entities for establishing this academic initiative, which will supply the Jordanian labour market with qualified experts in local administration and local development.

For further information on the Master’s training please contact:

Caterina Arciprete
Inclusive Development Unit

Andrea Ferrannini
Local Development Unit