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Social Economy & Sustainability Management
Local Development
Inclusive Development
M&E and Impact Evaluation
Circular Innovation & Sustainable Commodities
Behavioural Insights
About us
Qualified consultancy
Who we have worked with
Our Services
Social Economy & Sustainability Management
Local Development
Inclusive Development
M&E and Impact Evaluation
Circular Innovation & Sustainable Commodities
Behavioural Insights
Social Economy & Sustainability Management
Social Impact Evaluation of the project “Housing Plus!” to contrast adult homelessness in Rome
Osteria Social Club, SROI evaluation of the social housing intervention of the Urban Housing Coop Net network
Action-Research to assess the dimension of the NEET phenomenon in Tuscany
Mapping of social and health third sect organisations in inland areas of Tuscany for the TUSCANY HEALTH ECOSYSTEM – SPOKE 10 project
Action-research for the territorial development of the Casentino Valley
Monitoring Information System for project WATDEV on water management and sustainable development in East Africa
Evaluation of the project to improve community awareness and response to gender-based violence in Uganda
Research on knowledge, attitude, social norms and practice on reproductive health rights and gender-based violence in Narok county, in Kenya
Forecast SROI analysis of the regeneration project for the Mondeggi Estate
Social impact evaluation using the SROI methodology of small cocoa producers in Ecuador
Memorandum of Understanding for a hop garden for the production of ‘made in Prato’ craft beer
Evaluation of the project that promotes food security and climate resilience in Mozambique
Betting on the Future: Youth and Territory in the Empolese Valdelsa Municipalities
Training and capacity building on structuring the ESG strategy of Tuscan Cooperative Credit Banks
Generation 2030 training for local authorities on youth participation for sustainable development
SROI Analysis for the association UGI -Unione Genitori Italiani contro il tumore dei bambini
Evaluation of the project strengthening migrants’ right to health in Italy, Greece and Malta
Capacity Building European Facility for the Readmission of Migrants – EURCAP, Final Evaluation
Voluntary Local Review of the Metropolitan City of Rome
Final evaluation of the project that strengthens olive farmers’ resilience in Southern Lebanon
Final evaluation and SROI analysis of the project to train health personnel at the Salam Centre in Khartoum
Evaluation of Dare to Hope, a project to create socio-economic alternatives to migration in Nigeria
Project evaluation strengthening the resilience of Bedouin communities in Palestine
BIlancio Sociale per la Pubblica Assistenza Società Riunite di Pisa
Bilancio Sociale per la Fondazione Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer
Territorial analysis for the recovery of the historic village of Villa Saletta
Action-research to foster the employment inclusion of persons with disabilities in Tunisia
Social impact assessment of the Rapporti Corti project for socio-educational inclusion in the Navile district of Bologna
What Women Want: women’s empowerment and aspirations in SWANA countries.
Consulenza organizzativa per la revisione strategica dell’organizzazione CISV
Analisi organizzativa e supporto all’elaborazione di un piano strategico per UGI
Consulenza organizzativa su Cultura Cooperativa per Gruppo Banca Etica
Consulenza organizzativa e percorsi partecipativi per Fondazione Caritas
Evaluation of the Naseej project to stop gender-based violence in Iraq, Yemen, and Palestine
Exploratory research on accessibility of health services in Mozambique
Territorial analysis for the enhancement of the Medici Gardens of Pratolino
Studies and research for the eco-sustainable recovery, renovation and functionalization of the Villa Mondeggi Estate
RESTART MED! capitalisation for the promotion of sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean
Evaluation of the project that promotes youth employment in Italy
Action-Research to foster labour accessibility for young people with disabilities in Kenya
Final evaluation of the ‘5G Smart School’ project for innovative teaching in Italian schools
Supporting an enabling social enterprise ecosystem in Senegal
Evaluation of the project that fosters mainstreaming migration into international cooperation and development policies
Evaluation of the project INside AUT promoting the autonomy of persons holding international protection
Developing enabling social enterprise ecosystem in Azerbaijan
Final evaluation of a project to contrast educational poverty in Albania
FLOWTEX, fostering circular innovation and technology transfer in the textile district in Prato
Evaluation of the project PRODECREO to promote the rights and socio-occupational reintegration of women deprived of their liberty in the Dominican Republic
Final evaluation of the SOS Children’s Villages family strengthening project in Bosnia and Croatia
Evaluation of the project for the motor rehabilitation of oncological children in Turin
Evaluation of the project that aims to improve the health of the most vulnerable in Myanmar
Action-Research for the Global Boyhood Initiative on stereotypes, gender roles and bullying
VINIL – employability assessment for persons with disabilities
SDGs Localisation Strategies and Local Development in Tunisia
The Localization of the SDGs and post-pandemic recovery through enhanced multilevel governance
Migration and the localisation of SDGs: the role of diaspora associations for sustainable development
Final evaluation of the IOM project on municipalities and migration mainstreaming in Italy and Albania
Final evaluation of the project that fosters proximity social-health services in the informal settlements of the Province of Foggia
Development of the spices and seeds value chains to foster youth and women empowerment in Nepal
Food Wave, Monitoring the project that promotes sustainable food consumption among young Europeans
Nothing About Us Without Us: Emancipatory Research and Strategic Plan on disability in Palestine
Spazio Donna, evaluation of the projects to foster women empowerment and contrast gender-based violence
RESET – Capitalizing on best practices to support the creation of green businesses in the Mediterranean
MedRISSE, social innovation and Social and Solidarity Economy policies in the Mediterranean
Prato Circular City: the integrated strategy for the circular transition of the city of Prato
Sustainability of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) interventions for water treatment in agricultural contexts
Territorial analysis for the valorisation strategy of Atelier Marco Bagnoli and the association Spazio X Tempo
Reorganisation of agricultural cooperatives and optimisation of laboratory procedures for agricultural products in Lebanon
Inserimento lavorativo e formazione in Economia Circolare, agricoltura e sostenibilità per i detenuti delle isole di Gorgona e Pianosa
Evaluation of the projects “M’Interesso di Te” that tackle unaccompanied foreign minors’ integration
Mid-term evaluation of the MED GAIMS project for tourism promotion and preservation of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean
Territorial and socio-economic diagnostics for the Intermunicipal Structural Plan of Valdisieve
Evaluation of the CROSSDEV project to promote sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean
Monitoring and evaluation of the participatory processes of Cantieri della Salute in Tuscany
Evaluation of psycho-socio-sanitary interventions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the earthquake in Albania
The Tuscan System of International Cooperation for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Final evaluation of the Youth For Love project to raise young people’s awareness of gender-based violence
Multi-country mid-term evaluation of the YouthCan! programme, promoting the employability of vulnerable young people
Market analysis to foster employment of young people in Mali
Project URGE and Circular Economy, technical and scientific support for the Municipality of Prato
SIRCLES, fostering inclusive employment opportunities in the Circular Economy sector
Final evaluation of WEGO2 to support women economic empowerment contrasting intimate partner violence
Action Research for the project Do.N.N.E against gender-based violence in Central Italy
Action – Research to foster community health insurance for women in Sédhiou, Senegal
Peace Steps in Palestine : mid-term evaluation & Support to the creation of an Ethical Charter
Creating social business to develop the agro-industrial supply chain in Senegal
Evaluation of the project “Mentors for Resilience” to contrast educational poverty
Mid-term Evaluation of the project to foster enabling ecosystems for social enterprises in the MENA Region
SDGs Localization for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for the Metropolitan City of Florence
Outcome Harvesting of the project that aims to promote stability and social enterprise in Lebanon
SROI analysis for the Consortium COOB in Tuscany
Social Impact Assessment of Nessuno Indietro, the project that supports Third Sector bodies amid pandemic in Tuscany
Development of sustainable tourism to preserve and enhance the Romanesque cultural heritage in Tuscany with Itinera +
Annual evaluation and SROI of the programme “Nessuno Escluso” to contrast social exclusion and educational poverty in Tuscany
Need Analysis to promote the sustainability of small cocoa producer communities in Ecuador
Evaluation of the project “Dreams and Needs” to contrast educational poverty in Italy
Mid-term evaluation of the project MilKy for the development of a sustainable dairy supply chain in Kenya
Promoting the sustainability of the sugar cane supply chain in El Salvador
SDGs localization to design sustainable development strategies | ARCO
Need Analysis to foster the sustainability of cocoa beans farmers in Togo
No One Left Behind: an Emancipatory Research for young people with disabilities in Tanzania
Final evaluation of Pe.R.Co.rrere: resilience of communities in Center Italy
Evaluation of the promotion campaign for Piave DOP cheese in Austria, Germany and Italy
Mid-term & final evaluation of a project to strengthen resilience to climate shocks in Kenya
Evaluation of the promotion campaign for Italian specialities in Japan
Community center, final evaluation of the social inclusion project
Social Report for the year 2018 of the Fondazione Opera Santa Rita
Mid-term evaluation of the project to contrast irregular migration in Ethiopia
Social Board a model to contrast social exclusion, the case of Prato
CapDeL: Incubation process for associative projects in Algeria
Mid-term evaluation of the project for the conservation of Protected Areas in Albania
Social Impact Assessment of children’s protection programmes in Kyrgyzstan
CapDeL: la ricerca al servizio dello sviluppo locale sostenibile in Algeria
Evaluation of the SPRAR projects managed by ARCI Toscana
Partnership for the Urban Agenda on Circular Economy, a European network
Monitoring&Evaluation of reintegration services for drug addicts and ex-addicts in Lebanon
SROI Analysis, Albergo Etico social performance
Aloe Vera, a crop to revive the economy of Karak, Jordan
ECO.COM: strengthening local economic development in Bolivia
Cycle: il progetto per integrare l’economia circolare nella formazione per adulti
Improving the sustainability in the cherry supply chain in Bulgaria and Turkey
Towards the creation of a quality label for the cherries from the Bekaa Valley
Evaluating sustainable agricultural supply chains in Bosnia Herzegovina and Albania
Need assessment to foster social inclusion in Tuscany
Promoting inclusive business and social entrepreneurship in Palestine
RB Tex: the new ethical label for the textile industry
Impact evaluation of the creation of a durum wheat supply chain in Ethiopia
Final Evaluation of CBR Programme on disability and rights of persons with disabilities in Mongolia
Investigating the link between migration and development in Italy
Action-research for ecotourism development in Armenia
Increasing the sustainability of the local handicraft sector in Bethlehem
Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan City of Florence 2030
Emancipatory Research as a participatory approach to foster inclusion of women with disabilities in Palestine
Research and consultancy for the inclusion of women with disabilities in the Gaza Strip
Action-Research for gender mainstreaming development in Senegal
Impact evaluation of a Rehabilitation programme in India
Impact evaluation of coffee cooperative in the Dominican Republic
Improving quality management in a Palestinian date cooperative
Needs analysis for sustainable sugarcane production in Mauritius
Promoting social business at the local level: Pistoia Social Business City
SROI analysis of Ronald McDonald Houses
Market analysis of social businesses in Mozambique and Tanzania
The European research project to develop social entrepreneurship and social enterprises
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