Territorial analysis for the enhancement of the Medici Gardens of Pratolino
Title Strategies and reflections for the enhancement of the Gardens of Pratolino of the Villa Demidoff
Duration Janaury – July 2023
Partners DISEI – Department of Economics and ManagementUniversity of Florence
Funding Metropolitan City of Florence
The Parco Mediceo di Pratolino (Medici Gardens of Pratolino located in the Villa Demidoff) is a monumental complex owned by the Metropolitan City of Florence located in the municipality of Vaglia, were recognized as UNESCO heritage in 2013 along with the other Medici Villas and Gardens. Today, the Metropolitan City’s goal and will is to further enhance the Medici Gardens of Pratolino, making it a lively and accessible place for all citizens of the metropolitan territory and visitors, through improvements from a management and organizational point of view.
To this end, the Metropolitan City of Florence has initiated a collaboration with the Department of Economics and Management (DISEI) of the University of Florence and ARCO.
General objective
To support the DISEI, the Local Development Unit has been reflecting on strategies and developing project proposals for the enhancement and preservation of the Medici Gardens of Pratolino. This work was accompanied by a territorial analysis of the Gardens and the surrounding areas which led to the identification of possible courses of action that the Metropolitan City may decide to undertake. |
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Our contribution
The methodology used for the territorial analysis aimed at the enhancement of the Medici Gardens of Pratolino combined an in-depth desk analysis of available documentation, reports and data. The research team involved through participatory interaction political and technical referents not only from the Metropolitan City of Florence, but also from local institutions, academia, Third Sector entities and private sector organizations.
These actors were identified by the research team in coordination with the Metropolitan City of Florence, in order to interact with subjects who were informed about the potential for the enhancement of the Medici ardens of PRatolino and/or interested in possible future developments.
Below, the main stages of the research:
- Analysis of previous experiences (in terms of management and proposed activities) in the Medici Park of Pratolino
- Analysis of similar experiences at the national level, focusing on proposed activities and management models
- Comparison with selected key players in the area (Metropolitan City of Florence, Municipality of Vaglia, interested organizations, etc.)
- Formulation of proposals on possible activities and initiatives to be developed and possible management models to be applied.
This research will enable the Metropolitan City of Florence to make decisions about the most relevant and appropriate investments, interventions and governance models for a full enhancement of the Park itself to serve the community and citizens.
Territorial analysis: planning human sustainable development
Discover more on the Local Development Unit
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