Territorial analysis for the valorisation strategy of Atelier Marco Bagnoli and the association Spazio X Tempo

Title Territorial analysis for the valorisation strategy of the Atelier Marco Bagnoli and Associazione Spazio X Tempo

Location Montelupo Fiorentino

Duration April 2021 – November 2021

Funding  Associazione Spazio X Tempo



The Associazione Spazio X Tempo aspires to have a positive impact on the territory surrounding the Atelier Marco Bagnoli building on the relationship between artistic production, business and the environment. In order to accomplish this task, the Association needs a medium-term strategy to direct its efforts consistently with the needs and specificities of the area, combining them with the added value offered by the presence of the artist, while maintaining a metropolitan and international dimension.


General objective

ARCO elaborated a preliminary strategy for the valorisation of Atelier Marco Bagnoli at the service of the socio-economic fabric in which it is rooted. In particular, the document contains what have been identified as strategic axes for the Association’s start-up phase, leveraging the relationship between art, business and the territory to promote cultural and social projects and initiatives in the premises of the Atelier Marco Bagnoli structure and in the adjacent building (currently in the design phase), in keeping with the nature of the place and generating opportunities for the entire territory, especially for young people.


Our contribution

The medium- to long-term strategic roadmap was drawn up on the basis of an analysis of the needs and potential of the area, so that the development of Atelier Marco Bagnoli could have a significant social, economic, artistic and cultural impact on the surrounding area.

The development trajectories identified within the preliminary strategy must also be structured in a potentially sustainable manner at an economic and management level, also through a network of functional relations for the Association and the Atelier.

To do this, in addition to a desk analysis, a series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with actors identified as relevant to the territory and to the Atelier’s valorisation strategy. In addition, a comparative analysis of similar experiences, both at national and international level, was carried out, from which many useful indications and lessons learned were drawn for the mission and functional guidelines of the Association and the Atelier, the structuring of activities and governance.


Specifically, the methodology articulated in the following phases:

  1. The collection and systematisation of data, demographic and socio-economic information available for the territory of Empolese Valdelsa and the Metropolitan City of Florence as a whole, through a plurality of indicators which made it possible to obtain an analysis of the territory’s needs and potential.
  2. The integration of the information framework through the conduction of semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, aimed at a deeper understanding of the aspects, criticalities and social, economic, artistic and cultural potential of the territory;
  3. A comparative analysis of similar experiences and organisations related to the artistic sphere (e.g. artistic foundations, artist residencies) at local and national level, in order to understand local, national and international trends and opportunities;
  4. The brainstorming and definition of possible strategic axes and functions, through a continuous dialogue with the Atelier and Association referents.

Collaboration took place through continuous interaction with the referents of Atelier Marco Bagnoli and Associazione Spazio X Tempo, in order to maintain constant alignment with their needs and ideas at all stages of the research.

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