Evaluating sustainable agricultural supply chains in Bosnia Herzegovina and Albania

Title: FAI – Inclusive agricultural supply chains for sustainable development of rural areas in Bosnia Herzegovina and Albania

Location: Bosnia Herzgovina e Albania

Duration: May 2017 – June 2018

Client: Oxfam

FundingBanca Intesa Sanpaolo


Aromatic herbs are the major agricultural products of the cooperative supported by the project in Nothern Albania. During the last years, the price of these products dropped leading to a market crisi. In Bosnia Herzegovina the cooperatives supported by the project produce mainly berries, especially raspberries. The cooperatives of both countries proved to be capable of supporting the small local producers, enhancing at the same time the socio-economic inclusion of individuals at risk of marginalization.


The project implemented by Oxfam Italia from 2015 to 2018 supported 4 agricultural cooperatives in Konjic, Gorazde and Ustikolina (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and in the Scutari area (Albania). Achieving sustainable agricultural development, thus promoting social-economic inclusion as well, was the main objective of the project.

Among the activities:

> Strengthening the role and the competences of the cooperatives of local producers
> Introducing models of participatory and inclusive governance
> Promoting the dialogue among cooperatives, associations and local authorities

Our contribution

 Intermediate evaluation through a desk analysis of the project documentation

Final evaluation, through a field mission in April 2018. During the mission focus groups and semi-structured interviews were carried out. The evaluation impartially and independently verified the extent to which the expected results and objectives were achieved. It also assessed the project’s impact on sustainable human development for the beneficiaries and local stakeholders.