Generation 2030 training for local authorities on youth participation for sustainable development
Title GenerAzione 2030-Alleanze Regionali per l’Educazione alla Cittadinanza Globale
Location Tuscany, Italy
Partners Regione Toscana, Oxfam Italia, COSPE, Rondine Cittadella della Pace, Tavola della pace e della cooperazione ONLUS, Amref Health Africa, ARCI Firenze, Archivio Diaristico Nazionale
Funding Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo – AICS
The project GenerAzione 2030 -Regional Alliances for Global Citizenship Education stems from the will of the Region of Tuscany and the Region of Apulia to promote interdisciplinary and participative paths in every educational sphere aimed at spreading knowledge, skills, attitudes and lifestyles for sustainable development.
The project aims to involve the various subjects of the territories, adopting a systemic approach that links social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects. In particular, it aims to strengthen the skills and capacities to promote the Agenda 2023 Sustainable Development Goals of:
- 480 teachers
- 24,000 students
- 170 young activists
- 175 representatives of local authorities
- 10 civil society organisations
- 10 municipalities
GenerAzione 2030 wants to contribute to the development and strengthening of a concept of ‘citizenship’, understood as belonging to the global community. By contributing pragmatically to individual and collective change, it aims to lay the foundations for creating a more sustainable and just world.
General Objective
The Local Development Unit was involved in conducting training for local authorities on youth participation for sustainable development and designing and conducting facilitating engagement activities with students through the tool of civic hackathons.
Our Contribution
Within the GenerAzione 2030 project, the Local Development Unit conceived and conducted 5 training cycles addressed to civil servants and decision-makers of the municipalities of Tuscany and Apulia with the aim of promoting youth participation in local authorities for the 2030 Agenda.
ARCO also implemented 10 civic hackathons: co-designing workshops that can foster, through the element of challenge, the active involvement of the community in the search for innovative solutions for the sustainability of its territory.
Read more on the Local Development
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