SDGs Localization for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for the Metropolitan City of Florence
Title 2030 Metropolitan Agenda for Sustainable Development
Location Florence
Duration September 2020- February 2021
Partners Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of Land and Sea, UN Habitat, Avventura Urbana, DISEI – Department for Economy and Business Sciences of the University of Florence
Last February the Metropolitan City of Florence committed itself to defining its 2030 Metropolitan Agenda for Sustainable Development, in order to direct strategic choices towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development of Nations United – adapting it to the characteristics and priorities of the Florentine metropolitan territory – and to ensure a coherent systemic effort and a multi-actor, multi-sector and multi-level virtuosity.
The 2030 Metropolitan Agenda for Sustainable Development contributes to placing the implementation of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan within a strategic and programmatic framework at global, European, national and regional level with which it intends to align itself in a coherent manner and taking into account its own territorial specificities. In fact, local governance makes it possible to define a process of SDG localization (Sustainable Development Goals) that will be able to idenitfy the actual needs and specific opportunities of the territory, and giving everyone the opportunity to fully express their potential.
With the 2030 Strategic Plan called “Metropolitan Renaissance”, the Metropolitan City of Florence set itself on a path to promote change and to improve the quality of life of all the inhabitants of the metropolitan area, by defining a strong and shared strategic vision to give an effective response to contemporary socio-economic and environmental challenges.
General Objective
The Metropolitan City of Florence will identify its own sustainable development priorities to define its 2030 Metropolitan Agenda, the framework that addresses and monitors existing planning efforts and aligns them with a global vision of sustainable development
Similarly, local institutions that are part of the Metropolitan City of Florence and representatives of the various sectors (public, private and social) that animate the local society will enjoy a vision and a framework within which to enhance their virtuosity.
Our contribution
The first step towards the construction of the Metropolitan Agenda for Sustainable Development was the drafting of the Voluntary Local Review of the Metropolitan City of Florence, the first Metropolitan City in Italy to adopt this tool. The VLR is a detailed analysis of the city’s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an important monitoring tool for the implementation of the goals at local level.
The preparation of the VLR is part of an exponentially growing global movement. In the last year alone, the number of VLRs increased from 35 in 2020 to 69 in 2021, with more than 30 VLRs in the pipeline for the period 2021-2022.
Together with DISEI, ARCO’s Local Development Unit provided technical and scientific support in this in-depth study on the positioning of the Metropolitan City with respect to the SDGs localization process, taking into account the systemic relationships (e.g. synergies and trade-offs) between the sustainability dimensions, objectives and targets, with the collaboration of Avventura Urbana and the technical assistance of UN Habitat.
This in-depth study was carried out alongside the participatory process entitled “CMFlorence seeSUSTAINABLE” carried out by Avventura Urbana, aimed at involving all the actors in the reference territory in the process of defining the Metropolitan Agenda 2030 in all its phases, and the work carried out by the table of comparison between all the Metropolitan Cities for the sharing of methods and tools for monitoring the achievement of the objectives of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development at different territorial levels, coordinated by the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea.
Check the Voluntary Local Review for the Metropolitan City of Florence, here.
Discover more on the Local Development Unit
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