Evaluation of the project that fosters mainstreaming migration into international cooperation and development policies

Title Mainstreaming Migration into International Cooperation and Development (MMICD)

 Location Ecuador, Madagascar, Nepal (pilot countries) e Ethiopia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Kenya (countries requested and received technical assistance)

Duration 2017 -2023 (evaluation from October 2022 to march 2023)

Stakeholders DGINTPA, OIM QG, OIM Bruxelles, Divisione OIM per la Migrazione e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, Focal Points dell’OIM per ogni paese pilota, UNDP, FAO, UNICEF, UNAIDS

Commisioned by IOM’s Brussels Regional Office for the European Economic Area, the European Union and NATO

 Funding European Commission’s Directorate – General for International Partnership (DG INTPA)



 The Mainstreaming Migration into International Cooperation and Development (MMICD) project aims to strengthen the process of integrating migration into international cooperation and development policy.

Under the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, MMICD provides systematic guidance on how migration can be integrated into development cooperation sectors in a manner that:

  • Harnesses the development potential of migration;
  • Ensures that risks and opportunities are fully assessed;
  • Makes development cooperation more coherent and effective.

The Package of Resources for MMICD provides development practitioners with insights into why integrating migration is important, what it entails, and how it can be achieved. It consists of guidelines, toolkits and training that explain how to integrate migration in various development sectors including health, education, employment, governance, security, rural and urban development, private sector development and trade and environment and climate change


General Objective

ARCO was involved by the IOM Regional Office in Brussels  to carry out the final evaluation of the project.


Our contribution

The Local Development Unit carried out the evaluation of the processes and results of the MMICD project throughout its duration, i.e. from 1 February 2017 to 31 March 2023. The evaluation criteria examined are: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.

All four pilot countries involved in the project – Ecuador, Madagascar, Nepal – were taken into account in the evaluation activities, along with four partner countries that requested and received technical assistance from the project (Ethiopia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Kenya). Data collection involved all stakeholders: DG INTPA, IOM Brussels and local IOM staff, implementing partners, government authorities of the partner countries, EU institutions and delegations, other donors and other key stakeholders.

To conduct the evaluation study, ARCO adopted several data collection tools, including:

  • structured tools of standardised application such as an online questionnaire
  • unstructured tools based on qualitative techniques, such as semi-structured interviews.

Read more on our M&E and Impact Evaluation and Local Development Units