MedRISSE, social innovation and Social and Solidarity Economy policies in the Mediterranean
social innovation social and solidarity economy
Title MedRiSSE – Replicable Innovations of SSE in the provision of services and creation of decent jobs in the post covid-19 crisis recovery Location Spain, Palestine, Jordan, Tunisia, Italy Duration2021- 2023 (24 months) Project leader Assembly of Cooperation for Peace – ACPP (Spain) Partners An-Najah National University (Palestine), Oxfam Italia Onlus (Italy), Agricultural Development Association – PARC (Palestine), Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development -JOHUD (Jordan), Tunisian Centre For Social Entrepreneurship -TCSE (Tunisia), ARCO-PIN S.c.r.l. Didactic and Scientific Services for the University of Florence (Italy), Innovation and Social Economy in the Mediterranean-SCEL (Spain) Funding European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme |
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MedRiSSE is a social innovation initiative which aims to develop a Mediterranean scalability pathway for social innovations that enable the co-production of municipal services with local agents of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) that have emerged from interactions between the government and the SSE involved in the ENI-funded projects. These innovations represent successful and efficient practices for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general, and for the protection of the most vulnerable groups in post- Covid19 economies in the Mediterranean Basin.
The project is built on the experienced gained through 5 cooperation Projects funded by the European Neighbourhood Instrument through the programmes of ENI CBC Med 2014- 2020 (MedTOWN & MoreThanAJob), ENPI MED 2007-2013 (RUWOMED), EuropeAid (MedUP) and IESS (CitESS, LINGARE ).
General objective
The project envisions to widen the Community of Practice (CoP) launched by the MedTOWN project, involving policy makers, SSE actors, researchers and practitioners and lead to the co-creation of a Mediterranean Co-Production Lab that will function under the principles of Social Solidarity Economy. In addition, the project will lead a policy work to positively influence changes in the institutional frameworks regulating social innovation as well as promoting public private dialogue between institutional actors of the Social Economy ecosystems in Europe and in the Middle East and North Africa region to share policy experiences and practices and foster mutual learning.
Our contribution
ARCO will lead the design of a Mediterranean Replication Toolkit -available below – for the protection of Economic and Social Rights During and Post-Covid-19 targeting policy makers, public servants and SSE practitioners in the Mediterranean. The objective of the Toolkit is to provide guidance and resources for SSE actors in the public and private sectors wishing to scale co-production models/initiatives and entrepreneurial and social innovation activities.
In particular, ARCO will develop an evaluation framework to assess the potentials and barriers to the scalability of the 5 project outputs of the 5 cooperation Projects funded by the European Neighborhood Instrument (MedTOWN, MoreThanAJob, RUWOMED, MedUP and CitESS/LINGARE).
Finally, drawing from the assessment results, ARCO will elaborate 5 Roadmaps for scalability for each of the project outputs and contribute to their dissemination.
Discover more on ARCO’s work on the MedRiSSE Community of Pratice.
Read more on our Social Economy Unit
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