Evaluation of the project strengthening migrants’ right to health in Italy, Greece and Malta

Title REACH-OUT – integrated community healthcare and OUT-REACH services for hard-to-reach population

Location Italia, Grecia, Malta

Project leader Ministry of Health of Malta

Partners Intersos, Digivis Consulting, Praksis, PIN – Polo Universitario della Città di Prato

Funding European Health and Digital Executive Agency



The project REACH-OUT aims to design and implement an integrated intervention dedicated to improving global health outcomes for hard-to-reach population groups. The intervention aimed at improving the condition of beneficiaries in Italy, Malta and Greece through prevention, early detection, and access to care for HIV, STIs, hepatitis B and C.

In addition, the project intends to reinforce the network and promote the cooperation among different subjects and stakeholders involved in the community settings. The rationale for this project springs from the direct fieldwork experience of the project partners, who are involved daily in the provision of services to hard-to-reach individuals and families.

In the countries targeted by this project, hard-to-reach individuals may be: undocumented migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, vulnerable local groups, and many other disadvantaged individuals. What all these different groups have in common is their lack of access to systematic prevention initiatives, and their difficulty in accessing culturally sensitive healthcare provision.

Also, the lack of access to the information concerning biomedical intervention on HIV transmission and the limited awareness about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV and hepatitis B and C, are significant problems for the population living in the intervention communities.


General Objective 

The M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit has been involved in the project to carry out the mid-term (April-June 2024),  the final (October-December 2025) evaluation and a social network analysis.


Our Contribution

To carry out the evaluation of the project, the M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit will collect quantitative and qualitative data, by means of interviews, focus groups discussions an participatory methodologies that will involve staff members, training participants and relevant stakeholders.

To analyse the impact of the project Reach Out on strengthening and consolidating the network of stakeholders in the education/work sector, at regional and European level, Researchers will carry out a Social Network Analysis. Through this method, ARCO will also assess the creation of a relevant and fruitful dialogue between the experts of the regional health care networks.

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