Final evaluation of the project that fosters proximity social-health services in the informal settlements of the Province of Foggia

Title Proximity socio-health service in the informal settlements of the Province of Foggia and promotion of good practices in the institutions of the territory

Location  Province of Foggia, Italy

Duration 17 months

Project leader ITNERSOS Onlus

Partners ASL of Foggia, ASGI – Association for Legal Studies on Immigration, AIIMS – Association of Immigrants for Integration and Social Motivation

Funding Fondo Beneficienza Intesa San Paolo



The project “Proximity socio-sanitary services in informal settlements in the province of Foggia and promotion of good practices in institutions in the area” starting in April 2020 is to be integrated with INTERSOS ONLUS interventions, ongoing since June 2018, in favor of residents of informal settlements in the Capitanata area (province of Foggia).

The main economic sector of the Capitanata area is agricultural production and in particular tomato production. For this resides throughout the area a large number of seasonal agricultural workers, as well as settled migrants, who work in the fields. The majority of foreign nationals who come to the area to meet the labor demands of local farms are without valid documents (e.g., residence permit) and are therefore unable to be able to rent housing; in other cases, the limited availability of economic resources precludes migrants from renting housing. These workers therefore dwell in informal settlements near the camps where they work.

The project specifically carries out a series of interventions in 7 of these informal settlements: Borgo Mezzanone, Gran Ghetto of Rignano Scalo2, Borgo Tre Titoli Area, Palmori Area, Poggio Imperiale Agro Area, Former Daunialat Factory, Borgo Cicerone.

Socio-sanitary inclusion of residents of informal settlements in the territory focuses mainly on two objectives:

  • the promotion of the right to health and access to public health,
  • the promotion of access to labour rights protection services.

For the component dedicated to the promotion of the right to health, the project included significant involvement of the local ASL through the establishment of a technical table in order to involve local institutions in the project action.


General Objective

The M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit carried out the monitoring and then the final evaluation of the project. The monitoring report was prepared at the eighth month of the project, with the aim of verifying the progress of planned activities and their actual implementation. The final evaluation, on the other hand, focused on what was achieved at the end of the 12-month project implementation.


Our contribution

The methodology of the final evaluation was based on 3 methodological components

  • the analysis of the achievement of output and result indicators
  • use of mixed qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection and analysis
  • the use of a participatory approach.

This methodology was conceived by ARCO’s M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit in order to allow the remote implementation of all data collection activities necessary for the realisation of the project evaluation. ARCO therefore involved coordinators, operators, medical staff, cultural mediators and relevant stakeholders in semi-structured individual remote interviews by means of digital video calling platforms.

Read more on our M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit