Mid-term evaluation of the project to contrast irregular migration in Ethiopia

Title #Myroots – Intervention of socio-economic and socio-sanitary support to the potential migrants’ in South Wollo Zone

Location South Wollo, Ethiopia

Duration April – June 2019

Client CIFA onlus

Local partners IFSO

Partners CCM, WISE, Università di Torino, SCT e TVET

Funding Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS


The project #MyRoots aims to improve the socio-economic and socio-sanitary conditions of potential migrants as well as raise awareness on the risks of irregular migration.
The main illegal migration route from Ethiopia is directed towards the Middle East. In 2012, over 300,000 Ethiopians were trafficked or illegally introduced to Middle Eastern countries. The area of ​​South Wollo, in the Amhara Region, is among the most affected by the phenomenon: in 2013/2014 repatriations from Saudi Arabia amounted to around 15,000, with a high percentage of women, aged between 28 and 30, and a significant number of minors.
The project operates in a context where the main reasons for migration are identified in: poor job opportunities, insufficient information about the risks of irregular migration and difficult socio-health situation. Infact, in the area only one health centre out of 17 provides “Youth Friendly” services with family planning, abortion care and sex education.

Among those who undertake the journey, many return after an unsuccessful migration experience. They face difficulties in social and work-related reintegration.

Main Objective

ARCO Researchers conducted the mid-term evaluation to prove the evidence of the results achieved in the first 24 months of the project.

Our contribution

During the mid-term evaluation, ARCO Researchers went on a 12-day field mission during which they visited the areas of Addis Ababa, Woreda, Ambassel, Telehudere, Worebabo. Among  the activities, the researchers interviewed the coordinators, trainers and main stakeholders, and a sample of beneficiaries. They also visited the  structures created and managed by the project.

To understand the changes produced by the project, Researchers combined  participatory and qualitative methodologies with the desk analysis of project documents and triangulated the results with the quantitative analysis of data collected during project activities.

The evaluation was based on three methodological components:

  • • Analysis of the achievement through indicators results
  • • The use of mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative, for data collection and analysis.
  • • Participatory approach  to include beneficiaries and stakeholder’ perceptions into the evaluation activities.

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