Mid-term evaluation of the project MilKy for the development of a sustainable dairy supply chain in Kenya
Title MilKy – Development of a sustainable dairy supply chain in Kiambu County, Kenya
Location Kiambu County, Kenya
Duration 36 months (November 2019)
Head of the project Caritas Italiana
Local partner Caritas Nairobi
Partners CELIM; Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali, Facoltà di Agraria, Università degli Studi di Milano; Associazione Unione degli Operatori di Fecondazione Artificiale Animale – UOFAA
Funding Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
Among African countries, Kenya has the highest per capita consumption of milk, but dairy production is in difficulty due to numerous reasons which include the volatility of the price per liter, the absence of a guaranteed minimum price for producers, the presence a limited number of processing companies operating under an oligopoly regime, opening up to foreign imports (especially from Uganda). The combination of these factors creates great difficulties for producers.
The MilKy project therefore aims to contribute to promoting sustainable economic growth, the development of a quality dairy supply chain, attentive to climate change, and to encourage access to credit by supporting forms of local micro-entrepreneurship by intervening on 2000 micro- companies in 4 sub-counties of Kiambu (Limuru, Lari, North Gatundu and South Gatundu).
In addition, the MilKy project promotes the production of clean and renewable energy, encouraging the use of biogas and reforestation to compensate for the CO2 emissions deriving from breeding.
General objective
The mid-term evaluation had the objective of understanding the main results achieved by the MilKy project in the first 18 months of implementation.
Our contribution
ARCO Researchers carried out a filed mission during which they visited areas of intervention, farms and the transformation hubs, and met with the project operators, trainers, partners, local authorities and a sample of beneficiaries. The on-site visits combined with the participatory methodology and the desk analysis of the project documents allowed Reserchers to understand and verify what has been achieved.
The analysis was therefore sufficient on 3 methodological components:
- The analysis of the achievement of the output and result indicators with respect to the targets identified in the project Logical Framework;
- The use of a participatory approach and the direct involvement of stakeholders,
- On-site visits to production and processing sites.
- Foto di Linda Terenzi
- Foto di Linda Terenzi
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