Eu Research Projects

SWINS sustainable well being through investment in social services investimenti servizi sociali

SWINS- Sustainable Well-being through Investment in Social Services is a research project funded under the Horizon Programme of the  EU Horizon, it aims to produce e a new comparative, gender sensitive and integrated framework for the measurement of the returns of investments in social services.

Research question: how can we measure and therefore foster the complementary and multifaceted impact of social services investment to drive the transition towards sustainable wellbeing in Europe?

The Scientific coordinator of the project is Federico Ciani, coordinator of the Inclusive Development Unit, the research coordinator is Irene Fattacciu, Researcher of the Inclusive Development Unit and the project managing is ensured by partners of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

SPES-Sustainability Performances Evidences & Scenarios is a European project, financed under the Horizon 2030 Research and Innovation Programme, that aims at better understanding the interconnections between economic growth, human flourishing, and sustainability.

The ambition is to equip policymakers with information that will guide their strategies for achieving sustainable human development, using new evidence about past, present and future performances of the sustainability transition.

The Local Development Unit has been involved by the Department of Economics and Management of University of Florence to coordinate the project. In particular, Researchers will provide an advanced theoretical and analytical framework on the nexus between growth processes and sustainability transition.


MERGE aims to build a broad consensus on easy-to-use and acceptable indicators and frameworks for measuring multidimensional well-being within planetary boundaries in the EU and Member States, as well as in global organisations and civil society.

Project activities in MERGE will complement and extend the research projects through a streamlined co-creation process. By bringing together the views of all the different consortia working on data and indicators and policy frameworks, MERGE will lead to an effective science-policy interface process involving multiple stakeholders and different activities.

The Inclusive Development Unit will be elaborate two guidelines: one focused on technical issues related to beyond-GDP indicators and one focused on policy implications

PATHS2INCLUDE European Labour Market Under Pressure – New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations, is a European project, financed under the Horizon 2030 Research and Innovation Programme, that aims to discover the importance of intersectionality related to how context puts people in vulnerable positions.

The Inclusive Development Unit, involved in the project by the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Florence, will participate in the project by identifying profiles of individual and contextual characteristics that predict vulnerable situations and factors and policy measures that promote successful labour market inclusion.

euroship closing gaps in european citizenship cittadinianza sociale europea europa povertà poverty indicator indicatore ESRI social rights

The project EUROSHIP: Closing gaps in European social citizenship has the tasks of identifying factors that currently prevent women and men with low education and income from exercising social citizenship, and more positively, to identify means that enable them to mitigate risks of poverty and social exclusion over the life-course.

In particular, the Inclusive Development Unit, involved in the project by the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Florence will develop a theoretical framework that connects resilience, Capability Approach and social citizenship; develop an indicator capable of measuring resilience through Eu-Silc data, and carry out participatory research with vulnerable and marginalized groups in the local context of the Metropolitan City of Florence.

CarINg- Empowering Child Care Systems and Supporting Leaving Care form Inside is a European, funded by the REC Rights Equality and Citizenship Program, is and action-research project that supports boys and girls leaving the alternative care system in realizing their life project.

The Inclusive Development Unit lead the project and coordinated the project’s activities, monitoring, evaluation and communication activities, and contributed together with the other partners to designing the research and dissemination activities.