Grants & Tenders


Camilla Guasti

As Grants & Tenders Coordinator, Camilla specializes in optimizing ARCO’s engagement in competitive funding opportunities within the International Development Cooperation landscape.

In the tender domain, she identifies and pursues promising opportunities, builds relationships with partners and networks, and provides technical and administrative support to ARCO teams during tender submissions. On the grants front, she conducts strategic analyses to identify funding opportunities aligned with ARCO’s thematic interests and expertise. Actively participating in networking activities, she fosters relationships with funding entities and potential partners and ensures well-coordinated proposal submissions in collaboration with project teams.

In her previous role, she served as a researcher within ARCO’s Social Economy Unit and the Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence. Her experience includes social impact assessment, elaboration of social ratings, facilitating access to finance for social enterprises, training (including ToT), and consultancy on social entrepreneurship and Social Business design. She also worked as an external evaluator for international development cooperation projects promoting social entrepreneurship. Her research interests also encompass community participatory processes, urban regeneration, social innovation, and corporate social responsibility.

Her research portfolio extends globally, covering the EU (Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Belgium), Azerbaijan, Senegal, and the MENA region (Tunisia, Lebanon, State of Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco).

Camilla holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Cesare Alfieri School of Political Sciences in Florence. After completing a six-month internship at the United Nations in New York, she also earned her master’s degree in Economics and Development from the School of Economics and Management at the University of Florence.


Grants & Tenders - Coordinator

Mail: camilla.guasti[at]

Linkedin: Camilla Guasti