Inclusive Development


Federico Ciani

Federico Ciani is a researcher in Development Economics (PhD) and the Coordinator of the Inclusive Development Research Unit. His research interests centers around social policies, social protection, the evaluation of social policies and services, and the analysis of vulnerability and eco-social resilience.

Over the years, he has developed extensive expertise in quantitative data analysis, specializing in impact evaluation and ex-ante policy assessment techniques, including micro-simulation. Federico coordinated research activities with NGOs (e.g., Oxfam, Save the Children, Action Aid, Diakonia), international organizations (UNDP, UNICEF, ASEAN, AERC), public institutions, and for-profit companies (Ferrero, Sammontana) and was also part of the University of Florence research team in the EU H2020 projects EUROSHIP (focusing on EU social citizenship) and FP7 DISCIT (rights of persons with disabilities in the EU).

Currently, he is WP leader within the Horizon Europe project PATHS2INCLUDE (European labour markets under pressure – New knowledge on pathways to include persons in vulnerable situations), where with his team he is working on understanding factors that facilitate access to the labour market using synthetic panels and EUROMOD. Federico is also involved in the Horizon Europe project MERGE (Measuring what matters: Improving usability and accessibility of policy frameworks and indicators for multidimensional wellbeing through collaboration), which aims to enhance policy frameworks and indicators on multidimensional wellbeing to foster sustainable development, both in terms of the systematization work on indicators related to sustainable wellbeing and transition, and in terms of stakeholder and policymaker involvement and impact.


Inclusive Development - Coordinator

Mail: federico.ciani[at]

Linkedin: Federico Ciani