The VINIL form, Valutazione INtegrata per l’Inclusione Lavorativa, has been developed by the Inclusive Development Unit to elaborate a specific profiles of persons with disabilities in order to foster and strengthen their inclusion on the job market. The form focuses on the assessment of the person’s employability in different contexts and projects. It is a tool based on the ICF (International Classification of Functionings) language and was co-designed and co-created through a participatory process that involved more than 100 operators including social workers, educators, professionals of the Third Sector, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists and occupational physicians of the different local socio-sanitary institutions and district areas of Tuscany.
The work for the creation of the VINIL form is part of the two consecutive editions of the Tuscany Region’s public call “Services to accompany person with disabilities to work“, which is part of the 2014-2020 POR FSE programming. This intervention aimed at financing local projects to be implemented in public-private partnerships focusing on the inclusion on the job market of people with disabilities and people that are involvedby mental health services.
The elaboration and implementation of the VINIL form was carried out in two successive phases. A first version of the form was developed between 2016 and 2018 within the framework of the first intervention promoted by the Tuscan regional government. The research group carried out a series of participatory activities such as semi-structured interviews, Focus Groups and World Cafés together with the operators of the 13 socio-sanitary regional projects to which the form was addressed. By involving a variety of professionals, Researchers were able to create a tool that could take into account the experiences and skills of those social workers that were meant to use it. The form was therefore not only an effective operational tool but also a tool that could incorporate the specific needs and the peculiar potential of those persons with disabilities participating in a work integration process.
A second version of the form was drawn up between 2020 and 2021 after the evalaution of the 2016-2018 experience. The VINIL 2021 form was edited based on the contribution of the various actors involved in the ork inclusion process of people with disabilities. The new form has been used in 11 projects promoted by the socio-sanitary authorities and district areas in Tuscany. VINIL 2021 is also an “ICF oriented” form which collects multiple information relevant to the construction of a work integration project that is also able to enhance the potential of the person involved.